Growing Pains with David Campbell

#6: David Alston & Marcel LeBrun - The Hammer and The Dance

May 04, 2020 Unsettled Media Podcast Network

In this episode:

  • COVID19
    • New Brunswick officially confirms no active cases known! 
    • PEI and NB release 4-phase re-opening plans 
  • David Alston & Marcel LeBrun join us in the virtual studio!
    • What is "The Hammer and The Dance?"  (Inspired by Tomas Pueyo).
      • Shout out to our friends at Huddle!
    • How do business owners deal with uncertainty?  
    • What do public sector stakeholders need to do to ensure the private sector is heard?
    • How do we pivot our fearful language into action language?
    • Will we see an entrepreneurship-winter on the other side of COVID because too many have been burned?
    • Are there economic opportunities within the crisis? What about tourism?
  • Listener/Reader Q&A! 
    • Your questions were GREAT
  • Overrated-Underrated! 
    • The social consequences of the pandemic.
    • Should Maritime entrepreneurs be focused on an exit?
  • Spotlight on Leadership
    • Governor Andrew Cuomo
    • Provincial and Federal leadership
  • Maritime Minds

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  • If you want to be featured in our Q&A segment, send a text or audio question to our social or we'll shout you out by name.  

Our show is produced by the great & powerful Zachary Pelletier and is a part of the Unsettled Media Podcast Network.