Growing Pains with David Campbell

#7: Dr. Herb Emery - COVID19, UBI, Manufacturing & The Future

Unsettled Media Podcast Network

In this episode:

  • The towering Herb Emery joins us in the virtual studio!
    • Herb holds the Vaughan Chair in Regional Economics at the University of New Brunswick
    • Why was Herb misled about New Brunswick and the Maritimes?
    • Does New Brunswick need to be saved?
    • Why did New Brunswick weather 2008 better than most in the region?
    • Will the same be true of COVID19?
    • Does what helps us on a rainy day, hurt us when the sun shines?
    • Why does Herb think not much will change in the scheme of things?
    • David and Herb banter about UBI, it's use and it's risks.
    • What is the JDI Roundtable of Manufacturing Competitiveness?
  • Herb plays "Pivot or Double-Down?"! 
    • Does manufacturing have a future in NB?
  • Going Global
    • Warren Buffet sells positions in all 4 major American airlines.  What does Herb think changes permanently as a result of COVID19?

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Listener Q&A

  • Listener Eddie Ratunga asks David how we can capitalize on our aging population.

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  • If you want to be featured in our Q&A segment, send a text or audio question to our social or we'll shout you out by name.  

Our show is produced by the great & powerful Zachary Pelletier and is a part of the Unsettled Media Podcast Network.