Growing Pains with David Campbell

Turning Point Ep. 06 - Strategic Sectors with David Campbell, Colleen d'Entremont, Eric Cook & Keith Parlee

Unsettled Media Podcast Network

It's a special day on the Growing Pains Podcast!

We've teamed up with 10 amazing regional partners to deliver Turning Point; the webinar and podcast series that is our chance to collectively rediscover and re-imagine New Brunswick on the other side of COVID-19.

You will find all of the recorded webinars and podcast episodes on the Turning Point website.

Special thanks to our presenting partners:

  • The New Brunswick Business Council
  • Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters
  • Tech Impact
  • The New Brunswick Multicultural Council
  • The Chambers of Commerce in Moncton, Fredericton, Saint John 
  • Conseil Economique du Nouveau-Brunswick
  • Atlantic Chamber of Commerce
  • The Pond-Deshpande Centre at the University of New Brunswick
  • And our partners at the Government of New Brunswick and ACOA

Stay current with
the Unsettled Newsletter for more.

Turning Point is produced by Zachary Pelletier, our audio-wizard at the Unsettled Media Podcast Network.