Western Sydney Health Check

On the frontline of COVID-19 with Dr Brandon Verdonk

Western Sydney Local Health District staff Episode 3

In episode three we speak to one of our health heroes, junior medical officer Dr Brandon Verdonk, who's been working around the clock to help the community of Western Sydney deal with COVID-19.

At the coal face of the pandemic, Dr Verdonk takes us behind-the-scenes to give us exclusive insight into his daily dealings with COVID-19 in this week's Western Sydney Health Check podcast. He also speaks about working alongside many of the unsung heroes at Westmead Hospital's fever clinic. 

Please note that the testing criteria have recently been expanded to recommend testing of individual patients with symptoms or fever suspected to have COVID-19:

-        Who live in communities with local transmission, see: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/diseases/Pages/covid-19-latest.aspx#lga

-       Who live in remote Aboriginal communities  

-        Who have been referred by their GP or public health unit to a COVID-19 clinic for testing 

-        Whose clinician, after taking a full history, has reason to suspect that the patient may have COVID-19 

Please remember that if you suspect someone has COVID-19 clinically that you should also provide advice that they should self-isolate. https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/factsheets/Pages/advice-for-suspected.aspx