My Leap Of Faith

Be The Light

Gabrielle Ginter Season 1 Episode 46

Channeled Message:
This past year has been a time of going in and resting so that everyone could physically disconnect from the "collective" as much as possible.  Covid is at its worst now so the people are not forming large groups to feed into the dense energies.  Don't be fearful but understand everything is connected. So the energies coming this week are tied to the collective and what needs to be birthed so that you all can evolve.  Systems must break down to be able to be rebuilt, allow it to happen and bring Sami through your portals so that you bring healing awareness in this time of denseness.  There is a light inside of you, knowing that keeps hope alive and that this too will pass.
Try to stay centered in your own energy as the upgrades come in.  They are helping you to move up in your own vibration and less in the collective vibration. The collective vibration will be tough to watch, so follow your own guidance.  Things will happen that have never happened before and it's ok, it's supposed to.  It's time for change!

Andean Shamanic Rituals with Puma Fredy Quispe Singona - The Shift Network

Sami - Highly refined energy of the highest frequencies, Universal essence that becomes Love, Life and Light

Hoocha - Heavy energy, low frequencies, dark forces that become Guilt, Fear, Doubt and Suffering

Breath Work:

KU sound - Transmitting powerful energy to a person, situation (Family and Community)
CHU sound - Open up, go through portals, send healing energy to who is closed (Collective)

Astrology Podcast:

Intuitive Astrology with Molly McCord
Ghost of a Podcast
The Astrology Hub Podcast


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Gabrielle Ginter

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My Leap Of Faith

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My Leap Of Faith Soul Tribe

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IG: @gabrielle.ginter

Ayla Nereo - Let it in

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Ayla Nereo - Hum