Overshot: A Paintball Podcast

Ep 5: Kyle Barry of MLKings

April 28, 2020 Kyle Barry Season 1 Episode 5
Ep 5: Kyle Barry of MLKings
Overshot: A Paintball Podcast
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Overshot: A Paintball Podcast
Ep 5: Kyle Barry of MLKings
Apr 28, 2020 Season 1 Episode 5
Kyle Barry

In this episode we talk with Kyle Barry of ML Kings and his start in the game of paintball and his journey to pro .

We also discuss his time on Damage his work with kids in the DPL and his view on a ton of subjects.

Check out Kyle and his team below:

Check out our sponsor below:
http://wwww.dyzanasports.com ( Use code Overshot for 10% off)

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode we talk with Kyle Barry of ML Kings and his start in the game of paintball and his journey to pro .

We also discuss his time on Damage his work with kids in the DPL and his view on a ton of subjects.

Check out Kyle and his team below:

Check out our sponsor below:
http://wwww.dyzanasports.com ( Use code Overshot for 10% off)

Waldo:   0:00
welcome to oversight or painful podcast with Waldo and the wolf bringing people content. Hey, guys, is gonna be a special episode. We have

Waldo:   0:16
Kyle Barry off the M l King's before we kind of wrap into and everything like that. We're lucky to have a sponsor for these episode on Die Zana sports makers of the new S F joggers as well as the grind air gloves. Definitely reaching out to them and use code overshot to get 10% off for all you look, listeners. So, Kyle, just kind of jumping right into this man. Where did your story? Who to play with and kind of walk us through that people journey.

Kyle Barry:   0:48
Thank you. I appreciate you guys have me on here. Uh, I started in upstate New York, right? So But by the way, I started playing paintball was a little bit different. Uh, no birthday party for me. Nothing like that. I started. I was so redneck and grew up and start a small little town out in the woods at we just had neighbors come over and was like, Hey, you want to get shot with paintball gun while you run around my woods, so I was like 89 years old when I first picked up a paintball gun. First I got shot was crying like a little girl, like maybe from a foot away from the tip men that was cranked up probably 400 feet per second like nobody was tested anything on Ben. I played out my backfield for a little bit until my cousin R J. Found a actual competitive paintball field. And that's what you know, Bridge the gap from just being, um, going out the woods and shoot at my buddies to understand this was a real sport and that it was competitive. It was something I could do. Started in 2007 playing the MX L, which is the MX, only HBO was the lead in the Northeast at 15 balls, a second to 25 minutes. Halfs started there with team called Scanty Scoundrels, then played for Colony High Voltage and all of these teams. We're a little farm teams for Albany Power surge, which was all the original players. Only power surge play for a New York and Stream now New York outlaws. Back in the day, eso I fought my way underneath that would form teams and finally made it on a team with them. During that time, I was playing nationals with the gestures and this is all through 70 A 09 started Nationals No. Eight and then, 09 I was playing MPO and Excel at that time MPL, PSP as well as the xbl. Locally, um, did that for God. I went back and forth with teams of the gestures and my friends until 2014 on Then, at 2014 I put the full year semipro with New York New York Outlaws, now in New York extreme. And then after that, uh, came down in Florida once or twice is my family moved down here to practice and, you know, just ball down here. I met Mike Paxson and my packs and kind of talking up a little bit. He was the first person outside the state of New York to give me some Gratz because I was always a the young kid. New York. So nobody was like a kid. You're good. Everyone's just like your sake, fat. You know you are. Yeah, Exactly. Exactly. So you know, as a young kid, you just kind of get bunkered and pushed off the field. But it makes you tough. It makes you strong. And then, you know, when I met my packs of the first time at that point, you know, everybody up in New York understands that if you're actually from New York, you don't have any proteins like, Yeah, you might be out in Massachusetts and you have the Upton players that are out there. You might be down in Maryland and you have the rebel guys. But if you're from the New York State, especially during my era, there was no protein, there was nobody look up to. There was no standard or understanding way of how to play paintball and how to move the ranks like the gestures were the highest ranks and rhythm where the other high strain team, right with Albany panel research, take a New York Outlaws, which the team I was on so history would kind of fight at the ranks, and I kind of bounced around the whole time between two of those teams until I made to the top. So come down in Florida shown in the palm trees, and Paxson tells me I'm pretty good at paintball and says he wants to give me an Ironman tryout. Little, 90 old, mean excited is all house. Okay, I go back up to New York to run a papal summer camp for the third year in a row. I was like training little kids on how to play and train for 115 days straight Monday through Sunday, every single day had a paintball gun in my hand train, train train came back and packs in a little that I know Paxson really just kind of tries to promote the town in the local area and kind of gives the offer to anybody that he sees. It has talent, but that's still look, that offer. I had to buy a plane ticket. I do this. I had that to get out there to try out for the Ironman. Yeah, exactly, exactly. So before that trial ever even came to be, I started driving two hours up north to see FP to start practicing and trying to find the damage guys. Our message. A few of them couldn't really find any of them could really get a response, and some of them just sent me some quick answers, but nobody was like, uh, nobody really gave a shit, Right? So the damage guys, they don't really go out on belay points. They don't do that right in general today. Back then. Ever since I've known them, they don't do that. They don't find that to be the way to be a competitive paintball player. They just drill. So they go to the field, they're going to shoot mental target. They're going to make sure the shots on point, they're going to make sure that the small attributes of paintball that any other top level athlete would practice at their sport. They're practicing and painful. So basketball, if you know your LeBron James, he doesn't go out and find nine other dudes in place. 55 Every single day, he goes to his personal court, picks up a ball and shoots 1000 free throws. Right. Well, you know, Brian Smith is gonna go out to the field and do 1000 snapshots. You give a shit about playing five on five. Because, honestly, you're not even playing the caliber of team that you're gonna see at tournaments. So and then when the plate, when you put the pro and you're playing in that level of competitiveness and you're playing at a position where you have to do a job. You have a role to the whole team, work together. It is that single gun battle. It is that one ball snapshot. It's your ability to fight that changes everything. So they know that that's big practice. So were they practice it out there once in a while, but I Luckily, my timing was impeccable. I found Jacob the week before the announcement came. That damage is gonna fold if you remember at the end appeals of 14 they lost 702 are chaos. I got beat up in the finals at World Cup and then it released that died. Drop them in for sponsorship that they're gonna fall apart. This that and the other. Exactly. So CJ Barcelos owner Proto Plastics in Tampa is one of the original creators of demolition, a k A damage and he's always supported Team C. J is amazing great guy, but at that point team been around for so long, CJ was in playing. It was costing CJ an excessive amount of money at that point because they were doing everything possible to win, and they weren't winning at the very end. So the damage there, there, straight, Ricky, Bobby Mann, You either first or your last period, right? Either win the whole damn tournament or you didn't do good enough. Doubts their mentality across the board. So I got lucky I got out there the practice before they fell apart. Got to play with Jacob. A little bit on my mentality honestly, is is I'm gonna go on. I'm gonna prove it to you, right? I don't care that I want Talk it up. I'm legally washing the field. So Jacob didn't say hi. Never introduced myself. Just asked him. Hey, what side are you going to? He said he's going right? Said I couldn't go left. And we went Toto against each other all day long. And I guess I did something, right? I don't know. He saw something in me. Uh, that week, damage announced that they're falling apart. That weekend, I go back out to sea FP Jacobs there. I don't do what's going on on he's like riel standoffish about it. Doesn't explain is that I want to say anything. We practice all day literally beat the shit out of everybody that that cf p playing on the same team this time and then at the end of day pulls me the science as head damage isn't done, We have an opportunity. We only want to local are funding is cut. We would love you to come to try out. So it was pure timing. Did your time like honestly, all those kids that were out there at sea FP have all tried for damage for a long time. And yeah, I beat those guys for the spot, which is awesome to say on me. But if if the crumble of damage didn't happen, I would have never got on such a legendary team like people might downsize the image, But do they have had the same

Waldo:   8:49
there? Are

Kyle Barry:   8:51
they still army? They still

Waldo:   8:52
star team, but I'm saying they had a good run where they want, like, I think, like three events in a row,

Kyle Barry:   8:58
three events in a row, and got second killed at the end of seven man. Soon as Jason soon as Billy Americans died so in 09 Billy Americans. I'm sorry, doesn't 11 Philly Americans beat damage in every tournament to knock them out the entire year and then fill Americans folded after 11. And Jason Edwards goes from Philly to damage after that damage of strong ever since, I mean and do kudos on Jason. I don't know if everybody knows this, but Jason Edwards is the reason that 10 pay damages still alive. Jason. Reason Jason Edwards is the reason that Florida still has a protein. So and anybody to see the Florida's Listen to this. You got to give that guy thank you. Because he is the fucking man. Like, straight up is the man for paintball only cares about growing sport super competitive. Everything across the board is teachings. Awesome. If you don't like the bunker King page, go check it out. I got to give it a shot to sponsors, you know, perfect. Awesome. Yeah, he is the reason that it's still around. So, yeah, once damage for 2015 and 2016. Now, unfortunately, people always say life, get in the way. I'm never allowed life to get in the way of paintball, So I've always worked every type of business that possibly could from sales jobs to running my own restaurant, cooking all these different things where I was just like, Hey, I can't work on Sundays. And if the boss would be like, you have to work on Sundays, I like I've literally telling dude, I'll break so hard Monday through Friday that you want me to take Sunday off. I'm gonna take Sunday off. I am coming in Sunday, period. Fire me if you have to go find a different freakin job. But I'll make sure that works so hard on the days that I'm here, that you allow it to take those days off. And it worked for many, many years on. Then I started my own business. So in 2015 I started developing my own agency in my own business on the side, and it really pulled on me. You know, it pulls on you in different directions, just as of life difficulties will come in nag on strings of your of your persistency, of your courage of your energy. All these things get drained from everything that you're doing. And it didn't allow me. I mean again Tempe damage. You're talking about a team that's trying to be top four in the world top three in the world and a kid that just is playing the rookie year. And, yeah, you know, my first year I did pretty good. My 1st 1st event, I played great in the PSP. The last event they had. I got a, you know, a few points on Sunday versus Heat. And then it came where the second event and a single point third event got a few spins, got a penalty like two penalties, like an idiot on Ben World. Help came around and I was a starter on damage. So by World Cup, my first year in the rookie division, I was a starter on Tampa Damage, which none of the other guys that were with me could say that. Like Cee Lo's and Mikey. Mikey, that was now plays with, you know, Ellie infamous and seals Cortez, who now plays with, you know, probably the champions of 2020 Ironman. You know me because something we're gonna have another event this freaking year. Those guys didn't even get a starting spot where I somehow earned it. No idea, but, you know, they put me in a bad position and I was shooting going off the break, I would communicate well and earn my spot. So the second year came around, they hired a coach. And the coach, Pat McKenna is now the coach of Rev. Oh, yeah, I don't know if you didn't see I I already didn't like the way I did things and just, you know, was star struck by his first pro coaching me. I don't know what it was, but he never played Little. Just wouldn't put me in the field. I would practice every single 00.1 put me on the field. So halfway through 2016 um, Jason comes up to me at a practice and he were drilling were practice it and he goes, kind of man, I don't know what to tell you, but you should probably just drop down in the semi protein like, well, even support. You will help you out on a semi protein, but that your we just created multiple divisions in the organization, said my protein wasn't performing the way it was. I wasn't getting playing time, so Jason was dropped on the semipro, so I dropped on a semi pro and again with work and everything else that pulled me kind of thin and then coming in 2017. Joe Barret actually took the spot and got a spot of damage and he earned it. He played incredible. He was in a peak physical, condition, it degree across the board and then 2017. I started stepping back and trying to figure out what I want to do personally. So that's when I started coaching, actually love coaching. I love giving back payable community. I felt I feel like if everybody could coach a little bit or just help out one person a weekend, this sport will grow immensely. It's my love. Honestly, I love playing, but seeing my coaching being successful is really what I pride. In 2017 we had 22 podiums in the local Florida leaks with Southern rage. Paintball London Lewis. Yeah, we ran it like and the funny part is the following few years. We weren't as successful just because the team was hard to keep players together. A lot of problems came about with the organization, the actual owner, but that first year, 20 to 22 podiums and we had D 65 the 43 divisions and played five tournaments right so it are are winning potential. We had a few teams in D six with a few teams Indy five, so that's only recently got up there. But we were literally running through the Florida leaks and we're doing amazing. And then a same time I played with the Galapagos Tortugas, which was a all American based team that would play the last year. Millennium. Which, dude, If you've never played the millennium event, you have to do it. I don't know how an Excel Europe is now. That's the new millennium I haven't gone to in those tournaments, but do when they had millennium, it didn't. If the same people are showing two tournaments today as they get back, then you won't have to war because it wasn't the event that made it amazing. It wasn't the you know, the venue or the outside sponsors or anything that it was the people here in the US For some reason, we have this weird stigma on paintball were like we all spend 100 or $50 a weekend on it, but then we want to talk shit about it, which I don't really understand. And Europe, when you play baseball. You think you're the fucking man like you're the cool. They're the coolest people. Honestly, they love paintball love talking about it while promoting it. And it was awesome in on top of that, you know, we didn't lose a match the entire north.

Waldo:   15:27
I was watching. No multiple people like the main difference in the millennium versus will read, USA is that the team? Stay like the teams don't play, issue matches and leave. No. Yeah, they watched. Will learn or in the stands and things like that. More somehow, I asked about Tortugas. So I know you guys. Someone did a video. I remember what video Waas. But I remember watching all the videos about you guys have been tortured. This a all. I see Carlos Lopez, like he moved up to New York and he was working with virtue at the time, and he was helping us out on master places and stuff like that. So that's how Icon was, like, again going Whatever. And then, like, I would watch the video. So I do. This is what missiles like the sickest thing I heard. This looks great.

Kyle Barry:   16:17
Yeah, honestly, it was It's weird too, because after that year. It's like I know the feeling of winning now. That is true. Feeling right? It's a It's a It's an internal connection with the players on your team and the development of communication and knowledge that you feel so confident and so set that you know you're gonna win before the tournament, even get to the finals. There is a true feelings. So it's funny because I you know, first event France. I showed up a week early London Lewis and I, which you know, you guys are from Florida anyway, in four of those lining Lewis, he played with FTC. You. He was one of the top players when they won the n t. P. A. He's awesome. Also, guy Goodhearted dude. But human eyes? Yep. Exactly. Yeah, he's an Annihilator player. He placed me on the Nile years. Awesome guy. We spent a week and France travelled around. Then everybody shows up and we go and we play the first event, and I shit you not man were in a shack like when I say shack. The roof was made. It a fucking mud and straw like I shit you not. This is the house that we rented Teoh plenty of it. It rained every day, every day. It poured rain and we could do nothing but smile because we got to the event. And he only played three pre land matches and we played the first to the first day and almost lost the 1st 1 And then 40 the 2nd 1 And then we played the third match on the second day for old them. And then we went into Sunday and, dude, we literally just stomped on. People stopped on people so hard that at the end the event we had the teams that we be coming and buying beers and giving us drink because we like, we beat people. But we were nice, you know? We weren't like we just weren assholes about it, you know? We won, and we shook hands a great game. You know? We appreciate it was good fight. Thank you. And do they have this? You know, we have John produce here. Or hunch, punch, whatever you wanna call it. These guys showed up with a gas can. A green gas can. You can see it in Tortuga videos and whatever they put in that ship had Elias running around his pants around his ankles. Like this stuff is I took. I said, have a sip. And I was like, whole I'm Polish man. We got 98% alcohol in our in our like veins. Like we got some polish vodka that will literally catch on fire if you breathe out the wrong way. And this stuff still rocked me like this stuff was the most ridiculous stuff. But that whole thing, like even though we won and there was all these teams that lost this stone is still like a I spent all this money to come to this event or hey, these are all the people that little do the same thing that I do every single weekend. Let me just connect with them and enjoy our time and have fun and rejoice. And they really did love it. They treated it like not just a sport, but a true event of common people. And it showed in every tournament it showed every time we won every time we lost, the only time we ever got any bad Waas, I believe, was 1/3 event that we won. We'd be the same team my two events in a row and the guy came upon the stage and he won third place. We beat about being in the semi finals and he's like, I just want to thank my foot. I think my sponsors and think this and say Fuck the Americans and then walk off the field and I'm like, Well, now we have aiders. Awesome. But exactly exactly like for me, it was just the last. But then, you know, at the end of that he says that we buy him a shot, we sit down, take shots and everyone still enjoying their time and having a blast. And, you know, it wasn't that it's funny because people would think because it we're showing drinking. We're showing things like that that it wasn't as competitive. It was complete opposite like toe have that type of fun. You had also match that type of competitiveness. So, like, you know, every team that we were, we were playing division two that year and he wasn't that competitive. But every single team is running sprints and doing full count aesthetics before they play. They're scouting, they're they're doing everything they need to really be a top level competitive team on a level of seriousness. And then when the day is done, they go slam 12 beers. So, like you know, they're still having fun. They're having a blast, and at the same time they still take the game as a sport. Like there's there's pro players today that play in the Professional and Excel division that call this a hobby. I literally was talking to one guy the other day, blew my fucking mind. His respect in my eyes went from here to here, like from top to bottom, instantly like it hurts to say, because I go over to Europe and find a kid playing deep to that takes this game more serious in this game, only developed from how serious we actually take it as an industry

Travis:   21:04
you know for sure is like an amateur player calling Ground Zero the amateur team and like I'm like you. I get it once at least twice a day, man, because I want to be good and I want to be better.

Kyle Barry:   21:16
Yeah, that's that's what it's any any sport that ever it came to be. Football, basketball, baseball, whatever the fuck you want to talk about it. It's at the level it is today. Because some way decided to say I'm gonna be so great at this sport that even if you don't know what the fuck I'm doing with this ball, you're gonna be amazed. You're gonna be impressed. You're gonna go and look at this and go down like I want to watch more. That's why everyone still talks about Ali. Why are you talked? All you watch old school interviews. He'll even steal. Tell you I can't gun battle. You know, I don't listen to game plans. You know all these negative things that he would say about actually who he is and how it plays the game. But when he goes out and high dives four feet over a lane to get to a corner, everybody goes goddamn like that was aggressive. You know what you mean? And when he runs through the centre, when they're still four bodies alive and choose two or three guys and the whole crowd explodes, everyone goes, Goddamn, That was impressive. It's a level and again we play sport. The level of the viewership of our sport will depend on the level entertainment we delivered to the customer's period. It all comes down to right. So if we're not delivered entertainment people don't care to watch right to the more entertaining we could be, the better. I told Tom Core a year ago he should be given away $500 awards at the end of every tournament, not for the winner, but for the greatest highlight of the event. Everyone would go back to crazy. Everyone start running down the field. Don't start doing crazy stuff just to get that $500 watch freak out.

Waldo:   22:51
The game would be a lot more and kind of doing what you are saying this far as entertainment value, things like that. Since you know Harrison, you know why you know all those you know what's what. What's your opinion on all that? I mean to me, Dude, it's It's pro like, you know, I don't feel like it needs to be. You know,

Kyle Barry:   23:10
doing this is the whole thing. If you if you go, if you go right now on Instagram and you start looking if you're a riel NFL nerd, right? If you love football and you go and you start looking at the live views in a live camera in a live interviews of people on the field plan. They're saying way worship. They're calling out people's moms. They're saying nasty shit on the line in front of their opponent. But does the NFL promote that? Is that how they make the basis of their entertainment? No, you don't mean it's Harris Hussein can walk up to you and say, Five year five words and throw you off your game. Harris is in the bad guy. You're the immature little prick that don't know how to play the sport. That's the whole thing, you know, if he's smart enough to go and dance in your face, and that makes you angry and the next point because you're angry, you pushed on the field too fast, get dinked out early. You the only thing that you did was following the Harris is trap you for every time you see Harris talking shit, how many times you see Harris running on the field recklessly and getting shot like an idiot? It doesn't happen very much cause he's playing the mental game. He's got that New York mentality. He's got that he's got, he's got that mindset where I'm gonna beat you on the field and off the field by what I say to you, and a lot of people could be like, Oh, it's unprofessional, That's not that's this. Not that what's unprofessional is for us in the industry. We know how this game works. Do we know when we go out toe play this game and we're shooting paintballs by each other's face and we get shot and actually fucking hurts? I don't care anyway. Says you're getting shot. It's things a little bit right. You know, at this point, you don't even you don't even shrug when it happens. But you still feel the damn pain. More emotion is created from the pain period. It's gonna happen. And that emotion will build up time and time again. If you can't control it, you are laugh. You have a lack of intelligence compared the guy that will control it. And he will beat you at the game because if you let the emotion get too angry or upset or wild, the more emotion you feel, the less you're thinking about how to win the next point. So it is every time you're freaking out about? Hey, this guy over shot me or I shot him and you cheated. You're not talking about what you should be doing toe win the next point because you can't do nothing about the past. It doesn't fucking matter. It doesn't matter whatsoever. All that matters is that okay? This is what happened. He cheated you. Okay? Great. Always. We know we can shoot the guy. Hope for the ref calls him on the next time we do the same thing over again, that's all you can do, baby. I mean, you literally just go out to play and win every single point. That's it. Rusty glaze. I watched more Dionisi footage than any other foot is simply because of Rusty glaze because the things that he says to his team to keep them in the right mindset toe always want to win every single point. It has amazing content. Honestly, as a coach, I think he's one of the most underrated coaches out. I don't know if it's underrated because everyone thinks is amazing. I hope hopefully everyone thinks amazing. They should exactly they should exactly. But you know, it really comes down to this game has way more of a mental battle than any other game. You know, in Midian football, you get tackled. But you gotta understand, in a football team, there's, like, 40 fucking guys. You know what I mean? There's 11. You know, I don't know the exact numbers. I don't want to sound stupid up this podcast. I know. In soccer, it's 11 11 right? In football, back even basketball to five on five. But you have people on the bench. But basketball, you're not getting hit, you know? I mean, you're not taking the hard hits consulate. You're flopping more than anything. And the flop is to get into somebody's head. You know what I mean? And the same thing You think that on a foul shot, you don't have somebody standing in that line looking to God taking a foul shot, talking shit. We just don't hear it. Yeah, we just don't hear it, man. That's all comes down to the rats are going to say anything because completely legal, you can say whatever you want. You are the lesser of the player. If you're gonna fall into the base, that that's that's how I feel.

Kyle Barry:   27:20

Travis:   27:25
Exactly everyone's eyes wiping the sweat off. Now he's talking shit. He's just smart enough to cover it out, so the camera doesn't catch it.

Waldo:   27:33
Exactly. So, kind man coming coming from New York. I know. You know, you didn't have any approaches or anything like that, because that's gonna answer the original and my ex. You know, there were long gone for a bit. By the time you got broke, I was there anybody that you like, kind of adult to back today. I mean, I know you're wearing a Booker King. Sad. Well, I know, you know, like, well, Arroyo or the Lhotse brothers or any of those guys, Those are some of the guys that me, Travis, we take it in the woods with that monster. Wildstein's place on Easy Gold with Roy was a part of. So I mean, where you're like,

Kyle Barry:   28:12
it's funny because I would love to meet the Lonski brothers. I only got to see them in passing in Europe, but Max Long Quist was a big guy. He a lot of respect for him. He came to my field first prize paintball up in connecting New York when I first started the BK Band and I wore my first year in pro was originally his band that he gave to one of the N Y gave to one of the N. Y. X guys back then was known Power Surge, and I had earned that headband when I actually got their team. But yeah, the leopard print one. Exactly. The white Leopard, which I think is so beat up now I could even put on my hat. Dude, I think it's gone through the wringer and back. But honestly, I give everything that I have and everything that I've learned from my early development. Teoh, the current and my ex roster. Specifically, Harris is saying ours, um, Hussein, um, Jon Delano, those three and Dan trollop who he just actually came back into the pro division this last event. Dan Tronic Those four a swell as Aaron Tres who? Aaron Trust. Now he isn't playing as much, but he just started a headband company last year called Tres Inc dot com, developing new headbands, which are freakin revolutionary. He went to F. I T in New York City, the fashions to technology in New York City to learn menswear and then went designed headbands. But those those four, you know, those same brothers, Those five, The same brothers Delano, Dan Trawick and Aaron Tres raise me and people, I mean raised me. I mean, 13 years old. Going to the paintball field taught me everything from the get go. There's a few others like Chris Tucci that are all original and wise guys. I mean, these are the guys that are from originally upstate New York are all part of New York Outlaws that helped get New York extreme where they are today. Those guys really raised me, and those guys taught me how to grit my teeth to love paintball, travel and play the game and the correction. They never showed me how to actually play the game. They showed me how to shoot people. That's all they showed me right, And it's a crazy thing about New York because because you don't have a protein, there's very few people up there that actually know how to play the game. A lot of people know how to shoot people, a lot of people not to shoot people. Not many people know how to play the game, and there's damage made it very clear. I had no fucking idea. You know, I went from a starter on New York. Are you know, New York Outlaws? Uh, went from a starter in semi problem New York Outlaws to plane on damage. And literally Jason and Jacob making me look like I was a fucking war on. Like, I would do things in a point and, like, we would win the 0.0.5 bodies a lot. I would shoot a body, I would think I'm awesome. I think I'm doing great. Like, Sweet doing awesome on damage. Sweet. Walk off the field. And Jason would be like, Dude, why the fuck did you do a B and C in a mike? Well, I didn't even think about being see. I didn't even know that was a possibility like that. The and I I wish I could recent release more content on this. But what damage? What Jacob Edwards taught me on the physical level off what is needed for professional player. What Jason Edwards taught me on a mental level toe what is needed, Professional player. What I learned from winning the entire Year Tortugas. And then what Billy Wing taught me in my final year playing semipro with So the rage. Paintball. Those four elements have put, like a very concrete idea in my head of how to win people. Before that, it was kind of like you go out there, execute my game plan, you do this, you do that. And I think is how you win. Now. It's like, OK, if I had to go and take any team, any team in the U. S, new coaching and support them, I would know exactly how to start exactly what to go after exactly. We need to focus on the layout. Events are layout practices exactly. Need to focus on non Leo practices and how to win tournaments like in my head. After all that, it's very fucking clear. Um, so in the beginning, yet again, Hussein brothers and the original and my ex guys are not in wax, I should say Original X original power surge, all power surge guys, which if you're old and back in the day, you should know that name. But they're the new extreme guys now and then in my further development damage billowing. Help me out a lot. Although him and I butt heads like crazy when he was my coach. It was non stop butting heads just because my perspective of the game came from what damage taught me his perspective. The game came from what he knew from California and kind of back from 13,012 era. But all that combined is where I got to today,

Waldo:   33:09
so kind of going based off that, you know, you know, Billy damage guys that you're winning with because that's what kind of

Kyle Barry:   33:24
yeah, So, uh, the DPL was mawr of personally, I run marking agency, right? That's what I do for a living at a marketing agency. I help out local businesses to grow of, track new clients, develop the clients further and develop their internal systems. The whole fucking reason I started that thing was because when I went pro in painful I go. Holy shit. The marketing sucks for painful overall, the presentation of what we do as a sport. The representation of the professional athletes, the event structure of how we actually promote what we do and how we present what we do at sporting an industry is horrid. Now, don't me wrong. I'm not trying down talk. Tom Cole. Tom Cool hat works his ass off to get things done. That is, by basically by himself, low budget. He works nonstop. He gives them what he does. A great job not talking down the supporters for the Excel or the PSP, But the end of the day. Guys, we don't have a single professional at a vet management in papal, we don't have a single professional and athletic structures and sales representation in papal. There is people that literally go to college and spend their entire fucking life on how to represent things like paintball correctly. And the industry itself does not have any of those. So, personally, I try to go the opposite route instead of getting a paintball job and doing paintball, paintball, paintball and trying to work my way up. I started getting marketing jobs and became trying to become a top of a professional marketing and then bring it back into paintball like one of my best. My favorite stories is Dana White UFC buying that thing for $250,000. Now it's worth $7.4 billion. Yeah, yeah, the guy, literally. And all he did was structure the ring, put the girls in there for emotions put set rules across the board. That was a great, great structured rules that did not have not changed at the beginning since Dana. What took over? Same rules. And he presented the sport correctly. He didn't say. Oh, no, We want to be nice to these people. We don't wanna We wanna sugarcoat this. And he said no. I had a sport. We're gonna beat the fucking shit out of each other and I'm gonna put on TV and I'm gonna make you bet on Who do you think wins even bought bet on boxing? Well, this guy's a boxer, and this guy's on my tie fighter. Who do you think's gonna win? All you like? My tie will bet on this guy. You like boxing, but on this guy, right, we have the same thing. We have more betting opportunities in paintball than I think. Any other sport for a shut off the brake. Whoever wins the point who wins the match point spread. I mean, think of all the off and you want to bidding. Think how many options you actually having people? Absolutely, and say. But the industry itself hasn't had the representation internally that says, OK, well, I've worked with football, baseball, basketball and everything else. This is what you guys should be doing to get to that level. I mean, this is what they do. You should do this instead. We have people have stepped up to the plate to try to help out paintball do good things with no professional background. Which, you know, my father would say is a bit half ass, right? You know, no offense, but like, if see no, was the best video produced in the world, he would be paying 500 k from NFL or the N B A. To do what he does. The reason is in the position years is because he's a paintball gun and he connected with paintball guys and you gotta pay ball job, paintball. I will be the marketing guy. I will be the guy that you know has, you know, a $1,000,000 marketing agency. And then if you look at me, you're like, Oh, hey, there's there's Kyle Bury you guys in the Pamplona. Sure you look at me like hey, you place the m l King's Well, I want everybody else in the world to say that guy owns a bad ass marketing company and knows how to grow business. Right? And they all see Oh, he also does this weird thing. Paintball check paintball. I merged that over and then with the knowledge I have, I want to take PayPal and really adjust it, change it and go after it in a very sport highly competitive and present away. They present it to general consumers. So people always talk about Is it gonna be on TV? Who the fuck cares if it's gonna be on TV like TV is obsolete? Man, you could put this shit on tricks. Yeah, exactly. You can put this shit on, twitch our YouTube live right now and get more views and TV if you do it correctly. The whole thing is is it worthy enough to grab people's attention? And I say fuck at this, I say paintball is amazing. It's It's worth every penny. It's worth every second of you. I don't think their current way of viewing it is the best way to view it. But that's a whole different story, right? I think I got a little bit off topic. What was your initial question

Waldo:   38:35
Domino. I mean, that's that's kind of where I was kind of going with it. And as far as any businessman, it's like I might be a good salesman. Doesn't mean I'm a good marketer, like there's different jobs for a reason. You know it Z like this guy, Rob. That's like a mentor horse like yo May just because you might have a kick ass pizza place. Well, that doesn't need you know how to use the Google analytics that Facebook. And I know that's what you dio Yep, so go tops out there doing it himself. But Tom's like with the i c B L. But it comes out there digging a hole that 10 minutes later he spoke in a team about the rules. And then, you know what I mean? Like, I was doing a lot, but they need, like you said, someone that's a orbiting professional to be the marketing professionals, not somebody that's an ex pro. That's like stepping up to the plate or anything like that. Don't treat the businesses as a business, but I also think that's why I like it. The best you have. Like Nikki, Cuba was a wreck for diet. I mean, not perhaps fire whenever I think you might have not really been that sales, but no notice was spent. Dickie, man, you know, had plenty of dinners and trips and stuff of them was he Was he Was he a salesman or they were just using that same beyond

Kyle Barry:   39:48
its holding. They haven't really figured out how to do business. I mean, what it comes out to a 26 years old? I don't know everything. I mean, I'm just really trying. That's what it comes down to. I try every single day to not only better myself, but better position I am to help other people, like that's That's my focus day in and day out. So I might be talking. It might sound a little egotistical. That might sound a little loud, but honestly, understanding, because I really do care like I absolutely love this industry. You know, if if paintball disappeared, I don't believe this would ever happen with PayPal has appeared tomorrow, right? Would I still be able to live and survive and do what I do? 100%? I didn't put all my eggs in the paintball basket. I just fucking love. Painful like I absolutely love this sport. And I I love the people in it. I love everything about it. Um and that's why I created which came out, comes back to your initial question. The DPL, right? The DPL was a developmental paintball league, right? And this Waas to kind of go back. I don't get to really finish the last two or three years of what I've been doing in paintball. So I played pro in 2060 did Tortugas in 2017 and then I kind of disappeared off the map for a little bit on now, back in pro a 2020. The reason I disappeared off the map is because I found and a sponsor an organization that I thought was very like minded. So what I want to do in paintball and that is ultimate growth and development. So I partnered with Southern Rage Paintball, which is a A organization. Wasn't organization here in Southwest Florida that had a wealthy backer. That was an awesome god. Chris McFarlane, you know, the supporter of Southern Rights paintball. Hey, started off he literally found me in a kitchen. At that point, I was in a low in my life. I was trying to certainly business trying to, you know, this was spreading every different direction, and I was at a low. He found me, pulled me out of low, gave me a good supporting job and also made me a coach for his organization. That's where SRP, with 22 podiums the first year, second year we did about 16 or 17 podiums in 2018 and 2019 we ate. We did just about 11 podiums, so it depleted over time. There's many reason behind that with one super viable thing that came from the entire organization. Every now we did was the development off the developmental paintball leak right, which was a league that we created. That was everybody that signed up. How have less than 68 points. So that means they literally had to be green. They could have never played a tournament for, or they could have played only one tournament ever. The entire life right? We would find people through Facebook advertising street signs, general promotions, rejected Y M. C H. Jumped schools, things like that and bring players in. I would literally the first day showed him how to hold the gun like they were that Greenlee putting your shoulder wrap your hand around it correctly given I still taken see down the barrel, like literally show them how to shoot a paintball gun. And then the final day was a full blown tournament where they played three on three matches against each other in the winter won prizes. So, like the last one, we gave away die rises like we gave you a full guns, the winners. Then we would take those players that did good. And we bring them into the D six division for SRP and they would fight their way through de six. All of the divisions to this day Jackson Blue would you guys can look him up in place for the killers here in Florida. Just one Vegas indeed, too. And he is one of my DPL kids. One of the first DPL kids. Yeah, I have him as well as I have young kids. You know, Luca Peroni is like 15 16 years old. He's gonna top of a player in the next 23 years. There is. I have two kids on the U. S. 18. I have Thomas green is on the U. S. A. Team and Chip Connell, our sorry Cano McFarlane, Chip McFarland, whatever the hell, they want to call both those kids trained by me, and they're on the under 17 U. S. 80. So the program I had a place from bringing people in, teaching them how to play D 65 d four and all the way up was working great. Even when we started in 2018 we started a semi protein. I played on it, as well as a select few players that came from the DPL and other sources. We went, 03 and 11 and three and two and two when I was player coach. So we just missed Sunday, going to in tune by half a point. And then we brought on Billy as a coach, and it probably was a little bit of me. Maybe a little bit of Billy. I don't know what the reason was, but we clashed. It cause conflict in the team. And we were never successful. We went, 03 and one or 13 every fucking event. Um, I couldn't really give me an answer on that. Personally, I have mixed feelings about How did that happen? But it was what caused the semipro team to kind of fall apart. And then, with that, the owners are respecting Billy more than me, which Billy's got a resume. Don't get me wrong. Amazing. But I also had 22 podiums in a single year with this team, right? I earned my stripes with this team, at least right? So when I have disrespected like that, I stepped away. And then, at the end of 2019 I play with P Mob for Chicago and cup coupling. Great. Chicago's rough gloves are awesome, all those guys wrong. So people guys are awesome out of Boston. Great dudes, honestly, Dean, the manager there, the owner, awesome guy all across the board treat me really, really well. They're great players, and then this'd year. I told myself, I want you back in pro. You know, the one thing I want to do was I proved myself I can still play. It proved myself. I can still do it and, you know, it was a crazy the cycle that happened. I went to Bulgaria for a month to be with my girlfriend and then I came back in and talk with Montavo, I got an opportunity to try out. I tried out and again the same reason I got on damages. The reason I got Kings, which is general gun skills. And ever since then it's been it's been it's been a crazy journey honestly, with M L. King's guys, They're great dudes. You could tell that they haven't really come from winning teams. So there's a controversy of how to how to win a tournament, how to put everything together, things like that. But all together, like Dan, uh, you know, still calm, Steely Dan. He's actually an amazing player. Great guy, You J. C. Newman's awesome player. The only person we have left from the original Kings pie on Mars Pyatt is great. You have the best Vegas event, but there was like seven to full to a ball is amazing. You know, we this year it picked up me as well as Jose. I don't know his last name, so hopefully doesn't hate me for this. But Jose, he's a young player. Came Caribbean All Stars is gonna be great. I think is gonna be awesome. Honestly. And you know the team itself just needs it to jail when it comes to pro man. And really, when it comes to All Pro it it's all a level of comprehension, of what it takes to win and an execution on the comprehension, right? So if you look at layout, the Russians may have 20 ways of executing a game plan, right, but you'll find that they have you want. If you really watch the Russians, they'll start using one game plan more than others. Not because the game plans better, because the players air executing the game plans better. It's all it comes down to. Execution of a game plan is what causes success, and execution is done by correctly using your timing, your teamwork and your gun skills to make things happen. And that's really if you want a break, that simple as you can, about simple to get it a lot harder to get behind the gun. But that's the basis of it.

Waldo:   48:25
So so with those that you know, I kind of don't know or whatever like that, So I m L King's right, a frog. You're in Florida, this guy from Permian whole stores like you guys will blame Florida?

Kyle Barry:   48:40
Yes and no markings air. You know, it's it's difficult because we have, like Mingo, who's up in D C area. We have a few points Miami dance in pretty stories in Virginia on that I'm in Southwest Florida and everybody else is like central claure besides Myanmar's whose, literally still in Czech Republic. So obviously we're not doing practice every weekend, right? As a protein and a lot of proteins you even see like he doing this and impact everybody else. There is an expectation personally for you to perform at a certain level, right? So you have to go out and you have to work hard every day and every weekend to hit that expectation. I don't go to the gym every single day, so I get a six pack and you'll get more girls. I got a girl. I'm happy you don't mean are gonna work out every day, so that time comes where we have team practice. I literally stumped on top of everybody so that I can get a starting spot and make sure that I can do what my coach asked me to do and execute that to the fullest ability. So Yeah, it's it's tough, were all spread apart. We use the practice were probably one of two practices in and during this downtime, if the field open, back up for us. Crazy. But we'll get to lay out weekends and we'll do Saturday, Sunday, Saturday, Sunday, and then Ah, weekday practice at the event before the event starts. But that's basically it

Waldo:   50:09
does everybody

Kyle Barry:   50:13
s. So unless we have, ah, practice somewheres else, everyone flies out to sea FP Central Florida paintball. For some reason, damage doesn't really like us. I'm trying to fix that. But currently damage doesn't really like us, so we don't get to play damage. But we get to practice against killers, which is a top of the two team, which they're amazing. They're gonna be wrong. But they're not the Russians. They're not damaged. They're not a top level protein, you know, and it makes it very difficult on us. But that's where the team could excuse me. Team cohesiveness really comes into play. You really have to focus on being together as a team and working together to execute certain game. What is the team and saying common collective and understanding that shit's gonna go wrong. And we just need to know how to pull it out together as a unit to make it right.

Waldo:   51:02
Cool. Man, I appreciate you guys coming inside. You know, the M l King's, You know, for a lot of people, you know, they tracker bullet, but they don't know, Have that checking is, you know, for Europe. And then,

Kyle Barry:   51:19
yeah, they're pass in san, they I mean, they played semipro for I want to say, two years I might be wrong there with the Check Republic team. And then in 2018 when the four teams got a bump, Evel Elevation, M L. King's your extreme and DMG got the bump in a pro. They got the bump luckily, because they were going 20 teams. And after that, basically, all their Czech Republic guys fell off Jacob, which is one of their Czech Republic. I stayed on from 2018 and 2019 by coming in this year, it because of the rule they have in Europe, we can only have one player,

Waldo:   51:59
right? That's why I felt for why the Russians are playing in Europe and stuff like that work here or anything like that, because they're not allowing

Kyle Barry:   52:10
eso. The basic of the rule sets is that if you are registered as an American professional play, so if you play in the pro and Excel bracket you there can only be one off those said players on any European based team playing the next year.

Waldo:   52:27
Gotcha. Now where's your eyes?

Kyle Barry:   52:33
So Charlie Givens is the manager owner coach extraordinaire, and he's a man much love for Charlie, for the support and everything he's done for the Animal Kings and for myself. He basically, uh, he actually ran Golden State nights last year with Archie and Greenspan, the guys that one Excel Europe. Last year he supported them and ran them. So he the paintball lover just like myself. He actually loved the sport. This does everything it can to, you know, be the best for the sport of kings, originated in Europe and then earned their spot here in the U. S. Actually earned their spot players that currently on it didn't earn it, but that the team itself is Ariel Slack. Yeah, so it's Charlie given you, he's he's the coach. You even tell you directly that you know he's not the best coach out there. He doesn't know everything that it comes to paintball, but he gives his damaged every single practice every time. It is everything. Very, very smart guy. I got respect

Waldo:   53:36
for sick and kind of going back into your bolt of history and everything like that. I know you brought up Christou g. It's Dad Anthony Tucci. I mean, they're like like 5.8 like legends. You know, I know more so No, them from there, Woods ball stuff, the 518 inches. And they were becoming place in the West Point big game or all these other kind of. But I know with the pop, iTunes or whatever, I think that's what you guys call or whatever. Which he was. The guy that you ran that meatball camp up there with. That was, yeah, certain like it's

Kyle Barry:   54:11
in 2000 and how to be 2009 and No. 2010 11 and 12. Papa two. She is the one that was reached out to originally that started and basically developed that camp when he hired me as work he did in 2009 and doesn't believe as well, which he basically got me the job, which is super appreciate about. I mean, honestly, it was It was my start in the coaching, actually loved it. It was awesome because it was a block system. So it was an extreme camp where it was high ropes, kayaking, archery, all these different things and everything had to do every activity. So I would get eight year olds, nine year olds, 10 year old 12 year olds, all after 14. And they had to play paintball. So try to convince an eight year old little girl to go out there with Tim and 98 custom and get shot because we all know Tipton's hurt more than any other fucking paintball gun. No idea why, but they definitely do to go out there and get shot. It was difficult, But once I learned how to do it, it really helped me throughout the whole coaching training process. But, Mr Tucci, I am a ninja. So I am. And I am part of Ninja Squad. I got the jersey, I got the headband. I'm an original ninja member. I played at West Point when we want up the mountain like I'm an original ninja squad guy got a lot of love for everybody and into squad. Honestly, that was the group in Northeast that just never stopped playing. They are awesome. Honestly, I went pro with a ninja squad. Short seed on. I had a lot of respect for those guys. They always have down for me. Kris himself. Chris and his dad gave me a spot toe live when I was homeless, Like, supported me when I didn't have anything. Like they were always there for me. That those guys are awesome.

Waldo:   56:02
Yeah, that definitely there. Definitely good guys. And I know I know that they're still doing stuff, you know? I mean, I think some of the guys that wraps in the pros, you know what's cool? They play everything about people. So,

Kyle Barry:   56:14
yeah, I mean, I think there's four on Excel Pro rest right now that are ninjas. Um, and you know, if you don't know what the new squad check out the Ninja squad. Awesome group of guys. If you love Woods ball on your part of the Northeast like it is not easy to get a part of that squad national blasters and then just quiet going back and forth for absolutely forever. Both awesome organizations up there if you just want to find good people in painful.

Waldo:   56:40
Yeah, that's where I That's where I found What man is the Master Blaster? But I got you know, my body over here. Travis awoke over here into it and that horned off Teoh implant on ground zero gold and stuff like that. This is a little bit of cross cross contamination there and everything like that. So it's always going to see a New York guy doing this thing and trying to see if there was anything else here. I got out of my pocket, man. We

Kyle Barry:   57:09
went over a lot. I mean, I've been rambling for the most part. I look

Waldo:   57:13
great more about your business.

Kyle Barry:   57:21
Yes, the marketing agency stuff. It was crazy how it started again. It originated with Chris McFarling from SRP trying to get me a good job. You got me a job selling advertising. So I did that from 2015 to 2017 on. Then I became a marketing director from mortal different businesses from 2017 to 2018 and then started my own agency in 2018. Till today. And I've been doing that everything from restaurants, home improvement, home proven source, which is, you know, paper companies, roofers, anybody that owns a business. At this point, I have studied the tools and study what needs to be done to generate new customers. I mean, in 2020 it is a digital based world, and I now know and have the knowledge to put an ad of any business in front of a customer, no matter where the fuck they are. They're watching who, Lou are you put an ad there? They're watching. They're on Facebook. Are you putting out their instagram YouTube? All of it? I can put an ad there, and I've studied the copyright and how to interact the consumer the right way where? Not only gonna put the ad there, but I can also get them to come to your front door or contact your business, or are move forward every process you want to grow your business for its honestly a passion of mine. Because my father lost his refers restaurant in 2012 because of the O A crash or crash happened. We fought for a few years, try to keep it around, and then we lost the restaurant so literally. I remember my dad going to court in 2012 like I'm fresh out of fresh out of high school and my dad's dressed up in a suit and tie, which he's never in a suit and tie. And he's like, Hey, I'm going to court like Okay, sweet. Hopefully everything goes back, he comes back and he's ripping off his tie, saying, Fuck this, Fuck that. I'm done and, uh, literally we moved at a house three weeks later. We had auction come through the week afterwards, sold everything everything from every piece of equipment in her store to our kitchen cabinets. And my bed set was literally some auction or guys walking through going 102 103 100 soul and selling all over shit. And then they moved to Florida and I came back and I was a squatter for, like, 68 months just because I want to do the paintball camp. So I just, like, found place to live and, you know, lived in my old house and did everything I could just you keep in the New York area to play the New York guys as well as run that summer camp because I truly felt that was the best way that I could spread the love of paintball on the knowledge of people.

Waldo:   59:59
Alright, calm until plus, whatever you got, Floyd, your sponsors, your supporters and everything like that man Hunt definitely stay up. But after?

Kyle Barry:   1:0:10
Yeah, no problem. So yeah, 100%. So if you guys were not following King and what Jason Edwards has releasing for content you are messing up. He has been releasing great content on workups You could do from home log posts and everything else. BK itself is the cream of the crop products from the control loader to the new jogger pants and released out I mean, honestly, I love BK When Max Long Quist started the damn thing in 2000 I'm sorry. 1994 Like little 1999 politics started 1999 from 2000 for honor. I love BK no matter what So BK gotta give him huge shadow Thank you for everything Mac dive with the guns and new X CS is honestly bro. I've been shooting luck sees and dies and everything going on the boat the last few months our last few years. When they told me I was shooting Baghdad, I was a little concerned. I got that first prime and I was like, Holy shit like this thing shoots amazing and I get more pods than Adam. I look so little, just not stop shooting the excesses. She's amazing. If anyone was watching the Vegas event, we had pro shar and ex es was chopping a little bit until we switch up the paint. Got a different batch from Pro Sharp and his shot money. Their pain is looking great. Vegas A little weird weather but pro shards hooking us up. Mac. Daddy's doing great Monkey King got to give a shout out the powerhouse rags. If you haven't seen those before, the completely different regs in Ninja, you out of the internals of, um, they're built better. They're custom design that a little bit longer, awesome rags and then lasted. Ruthless for the jerseys, Ruthless hooking us up. Give us great Jersey designs, hooking T shirts and everything else. If you haven't seen ruthless stuff yet, they're smaller company. You've got to check him out. Great guy John does a great work, and he'll support any company

Waldo:   1:2:03
awesome. And so listen, Mankato. Glad to have you on the pot, gas, man. So definitely will have to, You know, we'll be in touch for a couple different things. I know you. Are you looking to help out people? I know. Oh, I mean, put you on the spot here. But you're looking to do something with me. Kai two or

Kyle Barry:   1:2:19
Yeah. So this was a little bit on, you know, a little bit behind the covers, but trying, Teoh just grow sport man on. That is my 100% my pride and my focus and what I want to do. So when Southern range paintball fell apart and the camp concepts kind of fell through the cracks, the DPL is not functioning at the current moment. Me and Chris McFarlane this other rage organization has separated. I reached out the anti batalla baking BK I which awesome guy. He just so much work for BK I he works nonstop to make that successful, we're gonna replicate the camp I created here in Florida, up in Boston. It was supposed to have pain, but this quarantine really slowed everything down. So it's been pushed back. Um, if you guys can Whoever's in this podcast, please go up the big cash page, please shares event. It is the paintball people like you and I that love this sport, sharing and engaging with event that will show it the people that have no idea what people is. And this is an amazing platform for them not to think that this is a one time birthday party or, you know, wedding or bridesmaid. Bullshit. It's actually a competitive sport. They come in through my camp, I guarantee you, they will not only play competitive paintball, but they will talk highly and love this sport for the rest of their life. So that's why if you can please support what we're doing to be K I guys, please support the developmental paintball camp coming out of the K I if your support means so much to us and honestly, it's my you guys is painful people sharing it gives me more motivated to help grow the sport.

Waldo:   1:4:05
Absolute guys. So that again was Kyle Barry. We're gonna plug everything down in the comments. Whoa! Hold on. Some things going on. You look a right heart. Yeah, okay. You love it.

Kyle Barry:   1:4:28
You get

Waldo:   1:4:29
I just had something like buzzing in my ear and everything like that. So you guys reach on out to Cano, we're gonna have all these legs. Always description the sponsor to support breaking Reach my Facebook again. Guys, Thanks to Di Santa sports use code over shot for the 10% off pants. Joggers has anything you need a source custom here. Remember to read, subscribe. Spread the love on the table talk, podcast of everything, the more content better. And we'll see you guys out there soon.

Kyle Barry:   1:5:00
Thank you.