Deep State Dossier

Episode Two. The Hot Person Who Rocks Your World

October 24, 2020 RadioJuiceMedia Season 1 Episode 2

Natasha goes off-grid and arrives in Orange County, California. She tries to recruit Vincent, a fellow OAVUM agent, to help her track her sister’s kidnapped boyfriend, Misha the extraterrestrial. But Vincent is not so keen on helping Natasha because they have a history, the kind that started in the bedroom, and ended when she ghosted him.

Deep State Dossier podcast is a production of RadioJuiceMedia
to learn more, go to our website

The story was written by Casey Pope and produced by Marianna Baker.

The podcast was narrated by Harold Baker. 
The voice-actors are Torrey and Hugo Chacon, and Marianna Baker.

 Music composed and performed by Daniel Kaplun.

Photography by Luke Aronson. 

 If you liked this podcast, you might also enjoy Casey’s novels available on Amazon or visit his website at

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