Braving the Journey.

The Journey of recovery with Robert White

Zach Mathers Season 1 Episode 47

Braving the Journey talks this week with Robert White.  Out of gratitude for his own recovery from addiction, Robert and his family founded Any Length Retreat in 2012 to help addicted men and their families find lifelong recovery through community support and the application of the 12 Steps. Robert can empathize with the hopelessness one feels in active addiction. He took his first drink at age 12, and his alcohol abuse eventually led him to illicit drugs, such as heroin. After many failed attempts at recovery in various treatment centers, he plead guilty to a drug-related criminal charge spent 7 months in prison. By the grace of God, Robert found his Higher Power while incarcerated, giving him a renewed sense of life through the 12 Steps. His purpose in life, he realized, was to help other men emerge from the darkness and insanity of their own addictions. Robert’s personal values of community, family, compassion, and love are the foundation of Any Length Retreat’s treatment practices and are clearly visible in daily life at the facility. “My goal was to establish a family-like environment, where guests are free to be themselves, to heal and recover in the comfort of a loving home. There are no ‘patients’ at The Retreat. We are a family.”

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