Braving the Journey.

The Journey of realizing you are worth recovery with Madison Williams

Zach Mathers Season 1 Episode 51

Braving the Journey talks with Madison Williams. Currently in recovery, her sober date is 6/10/2019. Madison initially for sober because she hated who she was when she drank. Madison  thought getting sober wasn't going to change much but then it ended up changing her entire life for the better.
The strength in her story is that it really is not unique and that's why she enjoys sharing it to let other people know that we're not alone in this.

"The strength in my story is that it is not unique. Just a human being sharing her story to help others realize they're not alone and that we do recover. That there is an amazing life on the other side of alcohol no matter what society or mainstream media tell you. I didn't drink everyday or even every week but when I did drink I often could not control myself and finally had a revelation that I was the only one who can make myself stop feeling this way. "It doesn't matter what you drink, or how much you drink, but what happens to you when you drink."

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