Braving the Journey.

The Journey of sobriety from weekend binge drinking with Blair Sharp

Zach Mathers Season 1 Episode 50

Blair is a wife and mom from Minnesota. After a long career as a binge drinker and party girl, she decided to retire.
Blair removed alcohol from her life when her son was 18 months old. Throughout her drinking career she had a lot of moments that should have made her quit, but it was never an option for her. She thought her drinking was normal and that everyone was doing it. The difference was that Blair had a hard time having just one. She didn’t see the point.
Once she became a mom, she gained a new responsibility and could no longer live the life she was used to. She tried to maintain it for a little bit, but she found herself drinking on weekends at home and alone. She thought she deserved it and that it was what mothers do. She soon found out, she was wrong.
In February of 2018, after another typical weekend of drinking too much and another horrible hangover, she found a blog post that inspired her to start her alcohol-free journey. Since then, she’s been able to be present for her son and thrive as a wife to her husband of five years.
In her free time Blair is pursuing her passion for writing. She blogs about her life on Instagram and is a writer for a parenting resource in her community. Blair hosts on the 1000 Hours Dry Parents Instagram page and will soon be writing blogs for them as well.
Blair loves to make people laugh with her sarcastic and blunt personality, and she doesn’t take life too seriously. She says that if she can help one person by telling her story, that’s enough for her.


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