Braving the Journey.

The Journey of discovering our feelings with Andrew Wild

zach Mathers Season 1 Episode 62

Andrew Wild’s mission is to change the way this planet looks at and approaches addiction. And to tear down any stigma associated with that word. 

In his humble opinion “addiction” or distraction is everywhere. 

People are choosing to numb out or distract from themselves more than ever before in this plugged in society. 

Be it alcohol, drugs, porn, social media, dating apps, Netflix, food and over eating, Over working or people pleasing, you name it, Humans are over indulging to avoid actually feeling and processing their emotions and it’s manifesting in the form of DIS-ease.

Drew believes that, quite simply, the vice eg the drugs or social media or food is just a symptom of a deeper rooted problem. It’s just the coping mechanism people have found works to suppress the hurt and pain of the past. And it works really well, until it doesn’t. 

When we can stop looking through the lens of “why the addiction?” And start looking at it from “why the pain?” Or why the need to numb, we begin to find a more permanent solution to a very real global problem. 

Drew works with men and women who struggle to break free of their vices, who want to live a life of freedom without needing to lean on alcohol, porn, social media, pills, food, weed, drugs, or anything else holding them back that leaves them feeling regretful, empty and unfulfilled.

He helps them to dig up their vice, rip it up at its roots, and guide them to reseed the programming so that it never shows up again.

What separates him from other coaches is that he has lived the experience. He comes from the trenches of rock-bottom drug and alcohol addiction and because of this his clients experience permanent lasting shifts and learn to live what it means to be better than their bullshit and how to thrive whilst doing so.

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