Phil Blizzard PodTalks

TravelWise - Egypt's Intrepid Travellers Omar Nour & Omar Samra

February 21, 2022 Phil Blizzard Season 4 Episode 4

A fascinating conversation between Phil Blizzard and  two  of Eygpt's most accomplished  extreme sports athletes and adventure travellers. They talk about their adventures and the challenges faced on  their travels, as well as those faced on the journey to become successful serial entrepreneurs

Omar Samra is the first Egyptian and one of less than 40 people in history to complete the Explorer’s Grand Slam which involves skiing to both the north and south poles, climbing Everest, along with the  7 highest mountain summits. 

Omar Nour is a former professional triathlete and together with Omar Samra they rowed across the Atlantic ocean and in doing so became the first Arabs to accomplish the 1000km plus crossing. 

Look out for the movie -  "Beyond the Raging Sea" a documentary which they have produced about their epic row across the Atlantic Ocean

The podcast was recorded at the Sharjah Entrepreneurship Festival, Sharjah 2021