The Rail Safety and Standards Board Podcast

Road Driving for a Safer Railway—Embedding Driving for Better Business in the Supply Chain

RSSB Season 1 Episode 37

As it has accounted for as many as half of our workforce fatalities, road driving is an important area for risk management. Both as employers and contractors of services, rail organisations have a duty of care to those who work for them.

Part of the Road Risk Group’s strategy for reducing road driving risk is to implement the National Highways programme Driving for Better Business (DfBB). And that includes extending participation in the programme to your supply chain. To support that aim, Anne-Marie Penny, Senior Road Safety Policy Adviser, talks about how National Highways has gone about it.

 01:05 Why National Highways chose to embed DfBB into its supply chain.

02:19 What National Highways looks for in its supplier companies

04:05 The National Highways experience

04:34 For more information…

05:49 Summary

 These resources may help you:

Driving for Better Business Free Risk Assessment:

Driving for Better Business Rail Sector Gateway

Occupational Road Risk Management (web page with links to related industry groups)