The Rail Safety and Standards Board Podcast

When Software Goes Wrong—Engaging Your Imagination

March 18, 2021 RSSB Season 1 Episode 17

In this seventh and final episode about software failures in safety-critical systems, Dr Emma Taylor talks about a number of incidents, from the railway, a medical incident and aircraft.  To encourage you to be creative when you start to think about reasonably foreseeable scenarios—what could possibly go wrong with your complex software-based system.  And what you can do to help design out errors before they cause an incident.

01:42 How to look beyond railway-specific risk analysis to find reasonably foreseeable scenarios

02:48 We must look to the past to see what could happen in the future, and the importance of using your own scenarios

03:37 Soncepts to help you start your own thinking processes

04:36 Common themes, and considerations relevant to software

09:20 Old hardware and software issues—why you should report and record faults

08:24 Looking at other sectors and industries for learning

12:03 How to carry out an effective risk assessment for digital systems

13:18 The consequences of a 2019 software patch, for Class 7XX trains

15:40 You don't need to ask complex questions

15:59 The software patch on the 737-8 Max aircraft that led to hundreds of fatalities

16:43 Software and cyber security—who do you want to let into your house?

Resources in this episode:

Article on the Maersk malware incident 

How the Boeing 737 Max Disaster Looks to a Software Developer (a personal view) 

Federal Aviation Authority Updates on Boeing 737 MAX 

Federal Aviation Authority—Boeing 737 MAX Reading Room 

Boeing's own 737 MAX Updates web page—with links to the plane's validation process: 

ORR: Report following railway power disruption on 9 Aug 2019 

 Related resources:

LHSBR Infrastructure Asset Integrity section: 

LHSBR Rolling Stock Asset Integrity section: 

The digital bits of a system podcast 

The V-model on Geeks for 

The V-model for humans on Wikipedia: