Ocean View United Methodist Church

Treasure in Heaven

Ocean View United Methodist Church

August 7, 2022-OVUMC 11:00 Traditional Worship

Associate Pastor Rick Russell with this week's Sermon, “Treasure in Heaven”.

Scripture is Luke 12:32-40.

Prelude:  “Forgiveness”-Liz Story 

Choral Introit:  “Standin’ in the Need of Prayer”

Hymn:  “Lift High the Cross”-159

Offertory:  “Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus”-arr. Craig Curry

Doxology:  “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”-95

Choir Anthem:  “He Touched Me”

Hymn:  “Faith of Our Fathers”-710

Postlude:  “Nothing but the Blood”-arr. Richard Kingsmore

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