Ocean View United Methodist Church

Lost and Found

September 11, 2022 Ocean View United Methodist Church

September 11, 2022-OVUMC 11:00 Traditional Worship

Pastor Edie Gleaves with this week's Sermon, “Lost and Found”.

Scripture is Luke 15:1-10.

Prelude:  “My Faith Looks Up to Thee”-arr. Craig Curry 

Choral Introit:  “Rejoice”

Hymn:  “Marching to Zion”-733

Offertory:  “Immortal, Invisible”-arr. Faye Lopez

Doxology:  “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”-95

Hymn:  “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”-400

Choir Anthem:  “Where Could I Go?”

Hymn:  “Amazing Grace”-378

Postlude:  “His Eye Is on the Sparrow”-arr. Jack Schrader

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