The Well Teacher

How to best support young people during lockdown

May 04, 2020 Jamie Thom

Life is challenging for everyone at the moment. The impact of Coronavirus and the lockdown on young people, however, has been particularly transformative. They can no longer attend school, see their friends, and can only leave their homes once a day. Many have had the opportunity to prove themselves academically removed, and face an unpredictable future.

Dr Hazel Harrison (@thinkavellana), a clinical psychologist, has been doing some amazing work to try and support young people through this challenging and unpredictable process. She runs the wellbeing lesson content on bbc bitesize and has written a range of excellent articles for the bbc on supporting young people. She also runs, her company which has done amazing work supporting young people in school environments. Her website has a host of really useful blogs and information on supporting both young people and ourselves. 

In this week's episode of 'The Well Teacher Podcast' we explore how best to talk about Coronavirus with young people; and how to manage their stress and anxiety levels. We explore what will help to keep young people positive and optimistic about the future, and how best teachers and parents can manage home learning. Finally, we look at how teachers and parents can look after own health and wellbeing during this difficult time. 

I hope you enjoy the episode and find it as helpful as I did.