The Well Teacher

What will improve teaching and learning in our schools?

Jamie Thom

I’m really pleased that the final espiode of this series of the podcast is an absolute cracker. Bruce Robertson is a Deputy Headteacher and author of ‘The Teaching Delusion’. He also has an infectious enthusiasm for all things teaching and learning – believing it should be central to everything we do in schools.

In this episode we look at what really constitutes great teaching, and how schools can generate a culture of continuous improvement. We also examine the kind of professional learning that will really help develop teaching. Finally, we explore Bruce’s terrific lesson evaluation toolkit, which has transformed teaching and learning in his own school.

I hope you enjoy the episode, and it makes you feel as enthusiastic and passionate about teaching and learning as I did! 

It is a great place to end the first series of the well teacher podcast on. I have loved doing the podcast, and would like to thank all the brilliant guests for coming on. Thank you also to people who have been listening, I hope you have found it helpful. The podcast will be back with a weekly episode from the start of September.

Until then, take care and have a wonderful summer!