David Burns's Podcast


David Burns

As we're all aware by now, both the AS9100 and ISO 9001 Standard requirements “screams” business plan to the senior management team. 

This podcast is all about promoting the use of the “business plan” as the preferred “top level” management system document. 

Further recommending that organizations ditch and bin their “quality manual” for the more business practical and user friendly – business plan. 

And its worth keeping in mind, the following:

1. All businesses need to have an effective and practical business plan...and

2. All businesses need to engage business owners with "quality matters" [the Standards]...

3. All businesses that fail to recognize the above 1 and 2 will struggle during Certification

This podcast is a quick and simple explanation of the business plan, its content and linkages to PEAR’s – this AS 9100 requirement.

The business plan should also consider commercial and technical "risk and mitigation" matters - the disaster plan through to supporting matters of planned recovery.