David Burns's Podcast


David Burns

The question we're asking, are some UK Notified Bodies behaving badly? Bouncing industry and commerce into a flap? 

Remember, trade is based on integrity and trust and not trying the pull the wool over people’s eyes. Some UK Notified Bodies think it clever to "dupe the foreigner" - by make believe! Some UK Notified Bodies have opened an office in the EU and then being "accredited" by an EU based approved body. 

With this, these EU addressed Notified Bodies will send you a UK (English speaking) auditor, to audit our business in the UK and then provide your business with a "postal addressed" certification for your "product". Have in mind these same UK Notified Bodies bang on about those "non-accredited" certification bodies! Pot and kettle and all that!

However, a key part of CE Marking integrity, is that it is the "importer" of your UK manufactured product that is "legally" liable to ensure the product that enters the [EU] market is "compliant". Call me old fashioned, but if I import a product from the UK into the EU, and observe a Dutch, French, Swedish, etc. "approved body" number, I'd be asking serious questions of the UK OEM (original equipment manufacturer).

The UK Notified Bodies must have faith in our UKAS. With the UKCA Mark here to stay; all those with Notified Body "accreditation" approval numbers from EU countries, may want to reconsider their position - they're making UK industry look stupid and disrespecting UKAS.

Ask your Notified Body (when based and "accredited" by an EU member body) if they can issue the UKCA and or the UKNI Mark for your business in the UK. 

From January 2021, the UKCA mark will be the legal requirement for placing product onto the UK market. With of course the UKNI Mark for Northern Ireland

Our clients raised the important question of CE Marking and its future. We explained that going forward the UK would use the UKCA Mark. The new UKCA Mark will underpin both product quality and facilitate trade.

Made in Britain… the made in Britain mark of quality and integrity - is the UKCA Mark.

This podcast simply wants to throw light onto some UK Notified Bodies and their short-term thinking. At the same time asking these UK Notified Bodies why they've advised some UK businesses to adopt their "foreign accreditation" approach.