David Burns's Podcast
Based on 30 years of quality management expertise, David Burns provides management and technical support to all those business manager's tasked with developing and implementing quality management systems.
Free - don't you just love free! My podcasts are normally a short bursts of information to support your business compliance. The podcasts range from "how to manage auditing" through to "a full on auditor training program". Please contact me at info@davidburns.co.uk if you'd like a "quality management" podcast "specific to your needs"... more than happy to support your business - info@davidburns.co.uk
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David Burns's Podcast
Hello my name is David Burns of The Assessment Register and welcome to our "podcast".
As the "podcast" name implies, this podcast is all about considering and controlling potential "counterfeit" within your supply chain. The AS 9100, IATF 16949 and ISO 9001 requires a level of control to mitigate "potential" counterfeit .
Whether alloys and electronic or software and certificates, counterfeit can creep into the supply chain. However, be very aware. Counterfeit is only counterfeit if proven to be counterfeit. Many AS 9100 and ISO 9001 auditors forget that a counterfeit part may not be a counterfeit, but a mistake without malicious intent.
Within “quality management system” circles, we are all aware that the law will take precedence over a voluntary Standard. In addition, a legally binding contract will also take precedence over a voluntary Standard. UK law around “forgery and counterfeiting” talks about “intending to deceive” through knowingly “imitating a product” and claiming it is the genuine thing.
This can be achieved by incorrectly-labelling the item, false or misleading certification, creating a similar brand, etc. things that will cause confused product messaging.
The AS 9100, IATF 16949 and ISO 9001 present the case for “product identification and traceability” and now “prevention of counterfeit” parts. So, nothing new, but an important consideration for the quality management system. We recommend that prevention should be an integral part of the following:
· Supplier selection – known and quality assured suppliers
· Purchasing – terms and conditions that reminds about counterfeit matters
· Training – internal awareness training for those involved with the above and inspection
· Non-conformance – reporting and containing potential counterfeit items
· Reporting – to customer and the authorities
…well that’s the summary… have a great listen and then visit: www.assessment-register.co.uk