Art Wank

Season 3 Episode 51 - Interview with artists, Penny Sadubin, Anne Richmond and Tim Rushby-Smith

Season 3 Episode 51

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We interviewed 3 artists who are putting on an exhibition at the Hazlehurst gallery exhibition Space. Their exhibition entitled, Interconnected21, shows 4 artists, Penny Sadubin, Tim Rushby-Smith,  Anne Richmond and Leanne Waterhouse, and their response to the conservation of the environment. Triggered by the devastation of the bushfires on the South Coast the group, a husband and wife and old friends from art school, decided to put on a show at the exhibition space at the Hazelhurst regional art gallery. 

We had a great chat with Penny, Tim and Anne over zoom (Leanne couldn't make it due to work commitments) about their individual artworks, how they juggle work, life and kids to make art and much more. 

Good luck with the exhibition, if you are in the area go see the exhibition or check it out online.