Art Wank

Season 3 Episode 54 - Denise Gasser artist from USA

March 30, 2021 Denise Gasser Season 3 Episode 54

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This weeks Art W**k  guest is Denise Gasser a fine artist, art facilitator, and mother of four young boys. She lives in Utah with her husband and kids.
Denise put on an exhibition called Art After, which we loved - here’s what it’s about -
‘I began this series in 2014 when mothering and art-making began to feel impossible. I didn’t have the time and energy to make art, but I also knew I would be miserable if I quit. This project is my attempt to reconcile these roles. I make small paintings and only work on each one until I get interrupted, which never takes long at my house! I document the times and interruptions on the backs—little glimpses into life behind the scenes, bum wipes and all.  As the pieces accumulated I began sharing the project on Instagram where it has found a global audience and sparked a larger conversation about the challenges and joys of being an artist/mother. In 2019 Art After had a successful gallery debut in Vancouver BC.’
We had such an inspired chat with Denise about how she fits it all in, her ‘Art After’ exhibition and how she goes about making a painting. You’ll be so inspired after listening and if you’ve got kids, lots of ideas to get your art done!

She can be found on her website
or on her instagram

check out as mentioned by Denise