The Tales of Kirby City

Episode 0. Building a City of Heroes

Insomniac Zac Season 1 Episode 0

What was it like brainstorming the Kirby City RPG, its city and its characters into sweet home brewed fictional existence ? Pure chaos! No really. This should have been the first podcast posted.
I'd never played RPGs, or ran such a narrative - but this proves that anyone can!
This episode is straight cobbled together from dozens of recordings, as I stumbled through making it the awkward screeching lumbering back alley mutant it is !
Good thing I had cosmically crucial creative assistance from comic book fans like
Rob (The Herald) , Dave M (Brass Lion) , Tyler ( KI-11 Droid), and David L (Chiller) to help me out, with special guest Jose R.  

Legends. All of em'.

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