Creatives Going Viral

Episode 0 - Spread The Word

Jack Bowman, Sarah Berger, Adam Morley Season 1 Episode 1

In this introductory episode, Creative Going Viral explains how is it designed to support Creative Freelancers during the COVID-19 crisis.

We are living through the most extraordinary times in modern history, and it has brought the creative industry - along with the world's economy - to a halt.

This is an emergency podcast series designed to offer the facts, offer help and offer hope. Episode 0 explains what we will be doing, and what we need from you, and how you can give this series the voice you need.

Links are hosted here by Jack Bowman, with interviews arranged and conducted by Sarah Berger of the So & So Arts Club, and Adam Morley, a theatre director/producer.

Legal Disclaimer: All expert opinion offered comes from experts in their chosen field, and all advice contained is ONLY relevant to those in the UK

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creatives going viral on emergency podcast Siri's for creative freelances during the covert 19 pandemic. I'm here to offer creative freelances, Help and hope Creatives going viral.

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Go Adam! Let's have a look, Adam. You their way.

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Hi there. Welcome to Creative's Going Viral on Emergency Pocar Siri's by Creatives four. Creatives This is a podcast for the most extraordinary times in living memory. This podcast is created, produced, edited and released by volunteers from the arts, all looking to help their fellow creatives as a covert 19. Global pandemic effectively shuts down our jobs, our income, our economy and our communities. People are scared, confused and lost. For the record, it's March 2020. Yeah, eso just just for legal purposes. I am very crudely recording this, whether it is of any use or not in the final product, I do not know, but least even I think we'll have a memo of everything. My name's Jack. I've been creating audio fiction content now for 15 years, and I can tell you this is feeling is really is it could get I'm a freelancer. My friends of freelance is my colleagues of freelancers. Even my rivals are freelances and I could see everything collapsing around. Everyone that works, getting postponed, its getting pushed back. It's getting delayed and, you know,

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I mean it. Fortunately, everyone no one's cancelling on these guys by

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the are postponing. So we're looking at now. They're being, ah, finance gap for some of the some of the people I look

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like I'd like to discuss. Your progress will reach out to the industry for all these third year students who are now having a showcase of capsule. No, we're gonna be coming up for them to think right. They work really hard for this moment. Taken as an industry. Is there anything we can do to support these people? May be wrong, them again for them. Or I actually owe for these kids whose fortune you worked incredibly hard because none of this is their fault. The other thing I was I was thinking about is I was thinking about what the art cultural are are trying to prepare to do in terms of payments towards diversifying payments for build buildings towards artists, which is one of things that seem to me that they were talking about you'd be looking at.

spk_2:   3:24
That's just a few examples of the profession suffering now, literally. Just a tiny sample of the huge impact of coded 19 or freelance culture in the UK Economically, creatively, emotionally, we're all feeling adrift. So another aspect is like, What do we do about, you know, people who are living hand to mouth? And that led to a question What could be done to help on that question led to an idea, I think if I was trying to get to the nub of what this podcast would do, Yeah, 11 is to offer help. And that is where we were calling favours. Were interviewing people about

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what I can do. Three

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voices you're hearing are Sarah. Burgers are so so on. Adam. Really director and producer. I've known these guys years now. I know they care, and I know they're fighters right now. Sarah is currently in isolation and appears to have Kobe 19 herself. And yet here she is on the end of the phone s. Oh, you're all

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isolated. I, um I've got No, I've got symptoms. Uh, so I thought I'd better not take any risks, Especially after having had pneumonia last year.

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Yeah, Adam is you're here here is still putting himself on the line, even though he's a high risk. So Sarah's in quarantine. Um, how about you, Adam? Are you? You looked

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away for a moment. Kind of because I've had a tip about Sofer cancer. I have to be very careful. I take medication daily, which thiss

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isn't a point for their friends or colleagues. It's a fight for every single one of us, including you listener. Each of us have bean individually calling out on social media, asking what we could do to help. And that's when the idea came to us to start a volunteer pool with just the three of us, too great a podcast going off for help and hope. Yeah, let's make a book coast leading

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to all of the other situations that you know that Oh, yeah,

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yeah, I'm all aboard. First episode medical advice on how to approach it, what can be done. Which means we have to move fast. Situation is changing by the day, if not by the hour. You want to make sure what we get to you. This is fast and as reliable as it can be, I would run to get the information out there and worry about the technical quality as long as people can hear and understand it. So from that point, you you want this podcast being interactive experience owned by you? The listener If you can recall content and send it to us, do so please. We need to reach out and interviewed. People can offer advice and guidance. So please do so Send us that content in terms of interviewing people. The easiest option would be to use Skype because that has a record

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option. Yeah,

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um I know all you need is both. Yeah, there's a downside to that. This means it won't be the prettiest podcast listen to, but will be. Amy could've fastest. Hopefully most informative, useful, wide reaching podcast content for all of us. I know this is focused on creating freelances, but this could also apply to the self employed painter decorator, the uber driver child minder. But no, I mean, the thing is as well, thinking about where thiss may land as well. I mean, it's all transferrable was Well, it's like it is valid for creative as it is for someone who said Liberal Korea,

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I think it's the gig economy and were part of the way

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hope you can forgive the decision not to make this the best quality pork cost to listen to. But the urgency means we'd rather favour quality of content over overall technical quality. But at the moment we're still a team three. Also a disclaimer. At the current time, this podcast will be listened to globally. But for legal reasons of conversations and advice contained will only be relevant to people in the United Kingdom. The weather, if you're interested in becoming a sister book, cost us in another country. Reach out and we will work with you too.

spk_0:   8:19
So I don't feel very, very clear that the advice this is we're no experts. Exactly that to some extent. But if we're giving any advice, it it's got to be you gotta Feek. Other advice? Absolutely. But then we we might be able to help have access to be group cannot see some of the questions. Yeah, on DH, we might have a slightly more, particularly you. I'm suspecting referee in terms of people who will all four questions and talk to us about things.

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Also, we're not legal experts, political commentators chartered accountants or medical experts. We're just here to try and help you reach those people on to quote L. A Confidential. It's just the facts, just the facts. So where do we start? Is a rain to start with three episodes giving you the background to what is happening and to give us the time to work through what you need. So what do we need above all else? We need your voices. This will affect everyone. We want anyone from any community to reach out. We want this to be your podcast, offering help and hope, and I want to do that. Firstly, cov 19 stop for no one anywhere. Every one of us will be affected in the UK on Beyond. It sounds scary, but it means we need to hear from every community and find their collective strength because it's got to be. In a weird way, the format has to be for flexible enough to let people let let's just take charge of it s O. If you throw out an idea like that that inspires someone to email in, um, with a similar proposal for a similar area, we are in the moment a team of three. But I hope soon we're going to be a larger network. All of us looking out for each other, caring for each other and helping each other. His podcast was announced yesterday, and we've already been ordered by the generosity and outreach we've received before. We even started even before this episode was written. Formalised so from all three of us. Thank you. To begin with, we're pulling together three episodes of medical advice, legal and financial help, a mental health and working opportunities. This is to give you the advice first and also give us time to organise and many emails were already receiving. However, please remember this for this to work, you have to win this podcast. You need to tell us what you need. You need to tell us if you need help on what help you need. You have to tell us what hope you can offer. And you have to tell us if you can help gather material to be part ofthe the podcast itself. This podcast is here to put out material that can help. You were looking for people who can undertake interviews with people who can help any freelancers who work, mental health, legal matters or maintaining their creativity, said in your content, anything that can offer help and hope. Please do it, and we'll put it into these episodes. We'll send you the technical details, releases and whatever else you need. We have an email creatives going viral at gmail dot com. That's creatives going viral a gmail dot com And like every other podcast host you've ever heard, we're gonna ask you to spread the word. Find us on social media on Twitter, where creatives going Facebook, you'll find is his creatives going viral? Sharon posts. Tell people we're out there. If you have journalist friends, tell them to contact us. If you have industry experts, tell them to talk to us. If you know someone we should be speaking to, then help us speak to that

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way growth route. But with his high ended like you get, that's accessible to people that maybe didn't think that they would have had that information. I think that you can ask people for advice, and very often they'll give you more than advice. It's a very public way to approach people, to say, you know about this light, Don't please canoe absolutely

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spread the word, not the virus. We're here to help. We're here. This is creative. Staying viable, you volunteer.

spk_1:   13:04
Cause for creative freedoms is you've been listening to creative's going viral on emergency podcast. Siri's giving you hope on help. Tell your friends about us. Tell them to subscribe, to tell everyone to email us creatives going viral at gmail dot com Subscribe to our feet for more episodes. Find us on Twitter Creatives going Find us on Facebook. Creatives going viral. Spread the word, not the virus.