Chasing Her BHAG: BIG Hairy Audacious Goals

Financial Insecurities

December 19, 2022 Sanina Ellison Jones Season 2 Episode 4

Today we are joined by the audacious entrepreneur, Carmen Hornberger. She is the owner of Benefits To Go, a tax-free retirement strategist company that helps black women create wealth and become masters of their own money. She started the company when she realized that the age group of 41 to 55 for women is 8 to 12 years behind on their retirement goals.

Tune in as we explore the value of life insurance for generational wealth, her money mindset from having been brought up by a single self-employed mother, the trial and error when trying to build wealth, and why wealth is not often proportionally seen in the African American community.

Links mentioned:

Benefits To Go




Contact Carmen on 18772719883

Chasing Her BHAG

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