Soma SoulWorks Podcast

Breaking Strongholds: Power - Ep 08

Soma Games Season 1 Episode 8

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Welcome to the Soma SoulWorks Podcast! This podcast serves to help people, particularly those who may label themselves as "creatives," to seek wholeness and calling so they are ready to embrace the mission God has for them. Consider this podcast a rogue harmony of professional development and self-care, hosted by John Bergquist and Chris Skaggs.

What’s covered in this episode: 

  • Power isn’t inherently evil; it’s a tool and its nature lies in how humans purpose it. In Genesis 1:28, God blesses Adam and Eve and gives them the responsibility to "subdue" and replenish the earth. There, we see an example of holy and good power. Chris says, "Power was actually on purpose, and a part of the original design for us."
  • The Enemy’s twisted version of power manifests in these two strongholds: either an overemphasis on power or a total rejection of it.
  • The underlying lie Satan gives us is that God is holding out on us -- that God doesn’t know what he’s doing. This has been Satan’s belief since the beginning, when he tried to overthrow God as Lucifer. 
  • Where is the hope? What’s the story that God has said about power? Let’s look at the Hebrew word tov. It represents power, holiness, and goodness; therefore, the fruits of good power are abundance, creativity, innovation, and thriving - everything that embodies tov. As you practice looking for it you can begin to distinguish what qualifies as good or bad power. 
  • What are we called to do in regards to power?
    • Wait. As counter-cultural as this is, the Bible emphasizes this again and again. Society teaches us to value instant gratification and to cling to power. But the scriptures take a different approach: "But when you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place, so that when your host comes he may say to you, ‘Friend, move up higher.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at the table with you.Take the lowest seat at the table," Luke 14:10 (ESV). Adam and Eve were in a holy state when they were tempted to eat from The Tree; they weren’t "fallen" yet. "The downfall wasn’t in greed, but in haste," Chris observes. Patience is the antidote to clinging power.
  • We have to understand that power is a burden and a responsibility -- not that there isn’t joy in it, but that it isn’t easy. Prince Caspian didn’t want to take on the power Aslan gave him, but Aslan explained to him that that was exactly why he was qualified. Your power isn’t for you. It’s for the people around you. 
  • John ‘JB’ says, "Our world is ripe for good rulers. God is moving on your heart, right now. If God is calling you up, if God is saying it’s time, do not ignore that call." Chris adds, "I’m sure there are ‘rulers’ out there who have been holding onto power and need to let it go. The nature of power is to train up younger people and give them opportunity."

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