Soma SoulWorks Podcast

Holy Grieving, Revisited

Soma Games Season 1 Episode 10

Dear Soma SoulWorks Followers,

I am deeply saddened to share that John "JB" Bergquist, the dreamer and co-creator of this podcast, passed away on Sunday.

On Sunday, July 26th, JB and his wife and daughter were traveling home from camping and were hit by another driver in the wrong lane. JB was killed nearly instantly. His wife, Kristine, and daughter, Natalie, were taken to the hospital with injuries. Both will be physically okay. Kristine is recovering from broken ribs and Natalie from a broken femur. August, JB's son, was at work and not in the accident.

As you might imagine, this is a really, really hard time for his family, his coworkers, and the hundreds of friends that JB had. JB was one of those guys who had 500+ social media connections and actually knew each person.

For our Soma team, JB was more than a Marketing Director and more than a manager. He was a friend and mentor to most of our team and played a pastoral role in many of our lives. His passing leaves a sizable gap in our daily rhythms. Understandably, our team is grieving. This week, we are re-sharing the episode on Holy Grieving because that's what's real and authentic for us right now.

Soma SoulWorks & Soma SoulWorks Podcast will continue -- it's what JB would want. However, we may need a couple weeks of bereavement. If you have any questions or comments, please email and we'll direct your email to the appropriate person.

To help the family, please check out the Go Fund Me or Meal Train links below:

Bergquist Family Go Fund Me

Bergquist Family Meal Train (includes option for takeout gift cards)