Practical Access Podcast

S4 E6: Math Support Online

February 09, 2021 Season 4 Episode 6

Today, Drs. Rebecca Hines and Lisa Dieker are back at it again answering questions from our listeners. Tune in to today's episode for tips on precision teaching, taking data, and best practices to support students online with math. 

Don't forget we are still accepting questions from teachers to ask problems they would like some renewal ideas on. We look forward to receiving your questions on our Google Phone (407) 900- 9305, Facebook (Practical Access), Twitter (@AccessPractical), or Instagram (@Practical_Access).

Lisa Dieker:

Welcome to practical access. I am Lisa Dieker.

Rebecca Hines:

And I'm Rebecca Hines. And Lisa, I'm enjoying this format this season where we're actually taking questions from teachers in the field and just responding. So we're gonna continue to do our best to give practical solutions, at least from our perspective. So what is today's question?

Lisa Dieker:

Well, how about if I just play it from Bettina and let's be ready to roll?


Hi, my name is Bettina I work with 4th grade students in math. I'm calling in for tips for adapting lesson plans for that I can help my students and tailor content to their new online school. Thank you.

Lisa Dieker:

So math and online school, you know, I love math.

Rebecca Hines:

Well, you know, I like online, we'll probably will probably respond to this from a little bit different, different perspectives. And I think I'll start Lisa, and this might listen, this might sound strange, because I'm not usually somebody to use this kind of strategy. But I do think there's a real value sometimes to quick, timed quizzes. And I think that's something that we can

Lisa Dieker:

Yeah, I love that. And, you know, I think that goes back to what we know is best practice in the field of special education, which is precision teaching, and kind of taking that data monitoring. And so if folks want to look at that, you know, Becky, we agree, which I didn't expect that, to be honest with you, is you might want to look under the intervention central has some free fluency in mathematics, just like there's a place for fluency and reading. If you can't get fluent in reading, we give you a computer to read to you. If you can't get fluent in math, we give you a calculator. I mean, I think we have ways to bridge that. But if we're working with students and her age, she's still working with those developmental phases. Do you remember that sometimes we run too

Rebecca Hines:

I think that's perfect. And I think the key here is combining these things in a predictable pattern for students during their math time. So that things become a pattern, something that we don't have to spend all our time trying to figure out, how do I find this site? How do I get to this place? How do I set a timer for two minutes on my computer, so that these things become

Lisa Dieker:

Yeah, and you know, Becky, it's interesting, because Bettina did ask us about, you know, how do I adapt that content, and I think you and I are a big lover of saying, you know, what, go back to those access points. These may not be students, you're teaching to those access points. But they do remind you of that really solid core, I always like to think of those as like the center of it's Bettina, that lower level reading concepts might help in mathematics. The third one that we see in the field that emerged hasn't been emerging is reasoning. And that was really hard, especially in an online environment. So Becky, if I can't get you to be reasonable, and we're in a face to face class, I can have others talk to you, it's harder to do that in a zoom. And then the last two, I

Rebecca Hines:

No, I think that I think I think that was a great summary. And I appreciate you sharing those, just the those basic principles, but they're not things that are necessarily always common knowledge for us. And especially if we're teaching Elementary, or our special ed and we're teaching all subject areas, we may not know even some of those basic things to think about. That's a great

Lisa Dieker:

Well, thanks for joining us and you can send us questions Our phone number is 407-900-9305. Or you can also find us on Facebook or on Twitter @accesspractical