Diocese of Lansing

Week 29 | Disciples Together on the Way | July 24-30 | Virtues | Conquering the Deadly Sin of Anger

July 22, 2022 Diocese of Lansing Season 1 Episode 29
Diocese of Lansing
Week 29 | Disciples Together on the Way | July 24-30 | Virtues | Conquering the Deadly Sin of Anger
Show Notes

Welcome to Bishop Earl Boyea's latest weekly Disciples on the Way challenge. This week, Bishop Boyea concludes his series of challenges focussed on cultivating virtue and eliminating vice. The focus of this week's challenge is the deadly sin of anger.

In the Holy Gospels, Jesus makes it clear that anger is a form of murder and that it has grave consequences to our souls (see Matt. 5 : 22). Saint Paul, too, mentions anger alongside adultery in his list of sins that will keep people out of heaven (see Gal. 5 : 20-21). Hence Bishop Boyea's challenge:

"Hence, our challenge this week is to reflect on times when we regularly lose our patience. Each day as part of our daily prayer and throughout the day, let us be attuned to what causes us to become impatient."

Here is his script in full:

Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord,

Have you ever heard somebody deploy the maxim that "There is nothing new under the sun"? Or opine that "To everything there is a season"? Or suggest that in this life we should "Eat, drink, and be merry"? All these well-worn aphorisms are drawn from the Book of Ecclesiastes. A lesser known but equally arresting and relevant phrase, though, is found in Chapter 7 of that great Old Testament book of wisdom: Do not be quick to anger, for anger lodges in the bosom of fools.

These days it seems many people are quick to lose their tempers and respond impatiently with others. Indeed, many seem to feel it a right to rage at opponents regarding whatever issues they have latched on to or offenders of whatever bothers them. With recent studies claiming that many people are under more stress than in prior decades, as well as increased levels of anxiety due to multiple factors, it comes as no surprise that many of us are firecrackers waiting to go off. If we are honest, we know that we all have certain things that may trigger impatience and cause us to lose our peace. So why is anger so deadly? And how do we quell our anger with the virtue of patience? Stay tuned.

The Church has much to say about the virtue of patience. In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, patience is listed as one of the twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit. “The fruits of the Spirit are perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in us as the first fruits of eternal glory. The tradition of the Church lists twelve of them: charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity." (C.C.C. 1832)

We’ve all heard that, “patience is a virtue!” In the Catechism, the Fruits of the Holy Spirit are listed under the section on virtues. The reason for this is because “a virtue is an habitual and firm disposition to do the good. It allows the person not only to perform good acts, but to give the best of himself. The virtuous person tends toward the good with all his sensory and spiritual powers; he pursues the good and chooses it in concrete actions.” (C.C.C. 1803)

We are called to grow in virtue, and thus in patience. This takes work. It takes repetition and discipline. If we are finding ourselves more impatient than normal, we will want to call on the Holy Spirit for help and then to practice being patient in those moments. We can tell whether we are living in union with the Holy Spirit when we can see the fruits of the Spirit active in our lives. When we see the opposite, we know we have work to do.

Hence, our challenge this week is to reflect on times when we regularly lose our patience. Each day as part of our daily prayer and throughout the day, let us be attuned to what causes us to become impatient.

Once we are able to recognize what causes us to be impatient, we can pray about ways to increase patience.  This may include help to avoid those situations when we know that our patience is driven to the limits.  In addition, the scriptures are a great place to start as we pray for patience.
