CrescentCare Public Updates

Episode 47: Science Friday with Dr. Jose, January 29, 2021

Dr. Nicholas Van Sickels Season 1 Episode 47


  • Update on Numbers
  • Update on Trends
  • Update on Models
  • News: Biden Admin trying to increase vaccine access
  • News: Pace of vaccination is uneven and somewhat slow
  • World News Update
  • Merck ended their covid vaccine program
  • J and J vaccine announcement
  • About Those Variants: overview of the variants, the three main ones and what we know about them, the implications
  • Vaccine Q and A: do I need vaccination if I had COVID? This feels very fast; it is safe? I read about people dying after vaccine, what's up with that? What about antibody-dependent enhancement, does that happen with COVID? Can I take ibuprofen/tylenol before my vaccine to prevent side effects? I'm pregnant--should I get vaccine?
