Islamic Art - The Barakat Trust

The Making of a Master Calligrapher - Bilal Badat and Seif El Rashidi

September 06, 2021 Asia House Arts and Learning Season 3 Episode 10

The Making of a Master Calligrapher - Bilal Badat and Seif El Rashidi

Join Bilal Badat, master calligrapher and scholar for a conversation about the meaning of Islamic calligraphy. Badat explains calligraphy not just as a craft but as a means of transmitting and glorifying sacred knowledge.  He shares fascinating on the making of calligraphers  - the way in which the  long training process is as much about spiritual and character development as it is about the production of great art. 


This podcast is part of Converging Paths, an initiative organised by Asia House in partnership with the Barakat Trust that promotes the arts and cultures of the Islamic World.