High School History Recap

#15 The German Offensive in Western Europe

William H Palk and Colin du Plessis Season 1 Episode 15

In this episode we continue the story of World War II. We briefly look at the Phony War and then continue with Germany's attack on Denmark and Norway. We then consider Germany's plan for the rest of Europe, specifically looking at the Maginot Line and Von Manstein's plan to invade France through the Ardennes. We look at the attacks on the Netherlands and Belgium and how the Germans managed to pin the Allied forces to the coast. We also discuss what happened at Dunkirk and how the Germans then set course for Paris. We end the discussion with the creation of the Vichy government. We've drawn on the work of historians Marvin Perry and Sir Basil Liddell Hart. as well as the excellent courses @TheGreatCourses.

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