High School History Recap

#4 The Treaty of Versailles with Michael Neiberg

January 30, 2021 William H Palk and Colin du Plessis Season 3 Episode 4

In this episode of HSHR, Colin speaks to  American military historian and Chair of War Studies at the US Army War College, Michael Neiberg. Michael specialises in 20th-century military history and has written numerous award-winning books including the  acclaimed 2018 The Treaty of Versailles: A Concise History. So it seemed only appropriate that the topic for discussion would be the post-World War I negotiations. The episode delves into the challenges faced by especially the European powers following the carnage and destruction of World War I, and how the leaders involved attempted to deal with the issues. 

The majority of the discussion centres on the most prominent and well-known of the treaties signed in Paris in 1919 - The Treaty of Versailles signed by Germany. What exactly was the Treaty of Versailles? Was it as harsh as our textbooks claim? Was it responsible for the rise of the Nazis? Michael helps us to answer these questions and more.

If you liked this episode or if you have any questions, please fell free to reach out to either Colin (@c_duplessis) or Michael (@michaelneiberg) on Twitter. 

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