Bearskins, Bayonets and Bravery - Notes from The Guards Museum

Bearskins, Bayonets & Bravery - Notes from The Guards Museum Episode 19

September 09, 2020 Andrew Wallis, MBE, OL, DL Season 1 Episode 19

Due to a bit of a health issue, the Director has been a bit of a drain on the National Health Service and has been nipping in and out of hospital over the last few weeks (for which he offers his abject apologies).  So this week he offers a few amusing stories which will hopefully bring a smile to your face.  Having recorded this episode several stories hit the cutting room floor as being a tad 'politically incorrect'....which is a great sadness as they were VERY funny!  As they used to say on telly....normal service will be resumed as soon as possible......  Enjoy!  

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