St Pauls Baptist Church, Skegness

St Paul's Baptist Church, Skegness - 8 November 2020 Raish Sarin


God's Plan to Prosper Us

Reading : Jeremiah19: 1-14 (Key verse #11)

Raish discusses how God is in control and has a plan for each of us
He will work his purpose out for our good

We must not make the mistake of thinking that we can expect easy lives with prosperity

God's plans are for our ultimate spiritual welfare, living lives close to him
He will, however, as a loving father, discipline us if it necessary to free our souls from sins that damage us

In these turbulent times resulting from the virus control measures and the currently unresolved American elections, we must also have concern for our non-Christian friends who do not have God as a shepherd to watch over them

This is a Remembrance Day service and the recording includes two minutes silence between 15 and 17 minutes after it starts