UNBOUND: Saybrook Insights with President Nathan Long

Rural Healthcare is Everyone's Business: Saybrook Trustee Spotlight - CEO Angelina Salazar

Angelina Salazar Season 4 Episode 18

Today’s episode of Saybrook Insights features the beginning of several university trustee spotlights in which we dig in with Board members about their backgrounds, their work in the community, and a little exploration as to why they joined the Saybrook Board of Trustees. Carmen and I had a wonderful discussion with Angelina Salazar, a newly elected trustee who joined us in the Fall of 2020. She is the CEO of the Western Healthcare Alliance and is passionate about rural healthcare, healthcare access, and ensuring that as many people who need healthcare can get it. She’s a visionary leader with strong ties to Southern California and to her current home state of Colorado. As she notes, we have much work to do nationwide where healthcare is concerned generally; and specifically, our rural communities are just as in need of excellent healthcare delivery as are our urban and suburban centers. Angelina and her team of dedicated hospital executives and practitioners are in fact doing the work to expand and enhance rural healthcare across America today as evidenced by the WHA. Great ideas around innovation and opportunity abound in this episode! Enjoy!