Lubar Executive Education Podcast

The Simplest and Most Important Skill a Leader Must Possess To Be Successful


In this episode we talk with Lawrence Krubner, author of One on one meetings are underrated; Group meetings waste time  about the simplest and most important skill a leader must possess to be successful, conducting a one-on-one meeting. 

During our time together we discuss :

  • How to get the basics of communication right. (asking questions, drilling down into specifics, when to praise vs. criticize, when to be aggressive and when to back off, etc.)
  • When should you schedule a group meeting?
  • How social events are different than group meetings and the value they can yield.
  • How to determine who to meet with one-on-one when you first join an organization.
  • The leaders role in onboarding a new employee.
  • How to quickly resolve conflict when your team is working remotely.

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