thedoctorwithin Podcast

701 Coronavirus:Where's the Proof?

March 22, 2020 DR TIM Season 7 Episode 1

 #701                                     Coronavirus: Where’s the Proof?

 A quick review of events leading up to the present coronavirus phenomenon.  A careful scrutiny of the actual science behind identifying a new disease, with the burden of proof on the ones selling the story.

Summary of February Newsletter at – Dr Tim O’Shea

Reference notes

1. CDC: Rapid Diagnostic Testing for Influenza

2. CNN: China has made major progress on air pollution. Wuhan protests show there’s still a long way to go -11 July 2019

3. Rapaport, J –

4. Xinhua Net – China firm to win anti-virus battle at all cost 26 Jan 2020

5. MarketWatch Inovio’s stock soars after receiving grant to develop coronavirus vaccine – 24 Jan 2020

6. O’Shea, T  -  Vaccination Is Not Immunization 2017.

7. Newsletter Archive

8. Wikipedia: Wuhan – coronavirus outbreak

9. CDC: About human coronaviruses

10. The Daily Mail – Judges demand answers, cancer vaccine trial India – 11 Feb 2020


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