thedoctorwithin Podcast

702 Coronavirus: Is It Real?

DR TIM Season 7 Episode 2

#702                                          Coronavirus: Is It Real?

A continuation of podcast #701.  How is it possible we went from 22 cases to 8000 cases in just 3 weeks?  What verifiable, transparent science supports such a scoreboard?   By what specific tests is an individual case actually diagnosed?  What does it really take to be counted?  Is everything in the daily narrative credible?                                               
                                                                Dr O’Shea      

Your reference notes:

1. National Library of Medicine Questioning the HIV-AIDS Hypothesis: 30 Years of Dissent
 Front Public Health. 2014; 2: 154.

2. Hu, Y Regulatory Concern of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Carryover Contamination

3. Santa Clara County Alerts – Coronavirus

4. California Dept of Public Health – Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

5. FoxNews Live 29 Feb 2020 — News Alert press conference – The White House

6. Trump signs $8.3B coronavirus spending bill – Fox 6 Mar 2020

7. As the coronavirus spreads, … best-case scenario is 15 million dead and a $2.4 trillion hit to global GDP Yahoo news 5 Mar 2020 

8. February Newsletter

9. Kary B. Mullis: Nobel Prize –

10. CDC: Testing in US 

For more references on this topic, please visit:

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