The Balanced, Beautiful and Abundant Show- Rebecca Whitman

The Magic of Gratitude with Napoleon Gratitude

Rebecca Whitman Episode 121

Napoleon grew up as the son of a diplomat, traveling the world, witnessing heartbreaking poverty firsthand, and learning to speak four languages in the process. From an early age, he developed a passion to help others. On 2014, his life had fallen apart. His financial future was bleak; he was out of answers and out of money. He was considering the ultimate sacrifice. Then he got down on his knees and asked: “God –if there’s a God– show me a different way ‘cause my way is not working.” His eye wander to a gratitude process that a friend of his had given him a few months before. He started the process, and in a few short weeks, his life completely transformed. 

He met Internet pioneer, John McAfee and he agreed to become Napoleon’s partner. A few weeks later He raised $25K from an investor, shortly thereafter, He received $500k from other investors. Then six months later, Napoleon raised $2Million for his company. Receiving this money changed him and gave him a new outlook and a powerful to create his dreams. Author Donald Neale Walsh says: “Gratitude in advance is the most powerful tool in the universe.” He credits gratitude for his new outlook on life and success in raising millions of dollars for his company. 

Since then, Napoleon has shared his story with many, creating a global gratitude community of over 18,000 people that he inspires daily. His Facebook page “The Gratitude Magic Group” has over 15,000 likes; he has 64 text groups and hosts a weekly in-person “Gratitude & Manifestation Mastermind” workshop. He speaks at conferences, conducts workshops and is a mentor to many. He wrote Gratitude for Kids with the intention to change the world. Several studies have found that kids that practice gratitude daily, are happier, more at peace, have better outlook of life, develop better cognitive function, are more positive, kinder, and joyful. He believes that if we spread gratitude to children globally, we can change the world and impact as many lives. Napoleon lives in Brentwood, California with his 15-year old son, Napoleon Ray, who helped him write the book. To read more about his transformative story, go to

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