The Balanced, Beautiful and Abundant Show- Rebecca Whitman

How to Flow into Real Estate Investing with Susan Elliott

Rebecca Whitman Episode 60

After a decade spent as a whitewater kayak instructor, raft guide, and adventure traveler, Susan found real estate investing, specifically Non-Performing and Performing Notes. She immediately saw the potential to rapidly accelerate her toward her full-time adventure family goals. She also loves that Note Investing allows her to help keep people in their homes. Of course, it took grinding away as a landlord and short-term rental property manager for her to see the light (the light of no tenants, toilets, or termites).

With her partners at Flow State Investing, Susan targets Non- Performing note assets that have the potential to re-perform, helping homeowners stay in their homes, and providing the highest returns for her partnership. Susan guides investors in this process, focusing on education, communication, and community. She helps others find their financial flow. Once a guide, always a guide.
She thrives on communicating intimidating and detailed concepts to anyone. She accredits this skill to years working as an adventure guide as well as a Water Resource Engineer. From creating and sharing a detailed financial model to leading a team down a remote river canyon, she seeks to connect with individuals in ways that help them get their money working harder - so they can get out.

What we discussed:

  • Why is real estate investing less work than being a landlord?
  • What is note investing?
  • What is more valuable time or money?
  • What an abundance mindset means.
  • How white water rafting is an analogy to life.
  • What she learned from paddling the world's toughest rivers.
  • What her fitness regimen is.
  • What does flow state mean?

To learn about real estate notes:

To contact Susan Elliot go to...

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