The Balanced, Beautiful and Abundant Show- Rebecca Whitman

From Purpoise to Purpose with Julie Serot

March 25, 2020 Rebecca Whitman Episode 1

 It’s a deep dive from porpoise to purpose. Julie Serot went from dolphin calls to helping people find their calling, after reverse engineering her own path to success for the benefit of others. Find out what a Dharma queen is, best practices for managing pandemic hysteria and the best way to find alignment towards what you really want in life. You’re going to want to ride this wave of wisdom and plunge into the depths of the lessons Julie Serot has to offer. 

Julie Serot is the Founder of The Dharma Circle and a Success Coach for female entrepreneurs. She works with women who are looking to identify their fulfilling and juicy life purpose that also brings them abundance and joy, as well as helping high performers who have already achieved success with their businesses to create more alignment in their lives and businesses. The primary modalities used in her practice are yoga, movement, emotional cultivation, and intuitive connection. These esoteric practices are balanced with pragmatic and practical strategies and steps to create real avenues for wealth 

instagram: @thedharmacircle