Pastor Tim Jupp


July 06, 2020
Pastor Tim Jupp
Show Notes

This passage is about Christ's gifts to the church, His bride - NOT gifts to members of the church. GIFTED STONES - specifically given to equip, build up and to lead officially or unofficially with an office or none. Who are these people; what is their purpose and what end product should result from their acceptance in the church? Mature, grown up believers living in unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God! Mere men, ordinary people gifted by Christ to His Church.
"God's glory is most majestically displayed not through you or through me but through US.
God raises up the Church and says to all creation in the heavens, on earth and under the earth- this is the Bride and body of My Son, bought and purchased by His blood to be My people and receive My power and enjoy My Presence and declare My praise forever and ever."
David Platt

Ephesians 4:11-13
Songs: The Church's One Foundation, To Know You More, City Alight
To The Table, Zach Williams