Pastor Tim Jupp


In this passage, Paul makes a threefold argument; 
There is stuff that goes on around here that is really dark. If we are not careful we will reflect that darkness. People in that darkness will not inherit the kingdom of God. Period.
Therefore, don't try to justify inappropriate behavior with empty arguments or listen to those who do. Why would you want the 'Stench of Darkness' on you? Don't even hang with them.

"As human beings we love the concept of holiness when we are in the right, but we are often reticent to apply it when we are wrong and brought under the stark scrutiny of its light. I recall talking to a very successful businessman who throughout our conversation repeatedly asked, “But what about all the evil in this world?” Finally, a friend sitting next to me said to him, “I hear you constantly expressing a desire to see a solution to the problem of evil around you. Are you as troubled by the problem of evil within you?” In the pin-drop silence that followed, the man’s face showed his duplicity.

The longer I have encountered this question about evil, the more convinced I am of the dis-ingenuousness of many a questioner. The darkness of evil is more than an exterior reality that engenders suffering in our world; it is, at its core, an internal reality that systemically builds us for autonomy and destruction, blinds us, and from which only God is big enough to rescue us. You see, the problem of evil begins with me. The darkness is within.

You see, the problem of evil has ultimately one source: it is the resistance to God’s holiness that enshrouds all of creation. And there is ultimately only one hope for life: that is through the glorious display of God at work within a human soul, bringing about his work of pushing away the darkness. That transformation tenderizes the heart to become part of the solution and not part of the problem. Such a transformation begins at the Cross. Our holy God deals with evil in us to transform us and draw us into his life and embrace. 
What a glorious gospel this is."
Ravi Zacharias

Ephesians 5:3-7
Songs: Holy Holy Holy, Sovereign Grace, Refiners Fire, Brian Doerksen, Free Amen, For The Kingdom