Pastor Tim Jupp


"He who lit up the deepest recesses of the heart is the light of the world. Jesus boldly and openly avowed the truth concerning Himself when He said, “I am the light of the world.” Let our meditation now be directed to our Lord Jesus.

That Jesus is the light—the light of the world—is to be seen in all parts of His blessed history. Look at Him in His cradle. Shines there a star above the house wherein the young child sleeps? Brighter far than yonder star is He who lies cradled in the manger. He has come, the predictions of whose advent had illumined centuries of darkness. As a babe, devout men hail Him, “A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of His people Israel.” To the eye of faith, what radiance emanates from the newborn babe! 

 Look, for the like was never looked on before. There God is veiled in human flesh. Behold the mystery of the incarnation. God is manifest in our nature, He dwells among us. The light is clear and dazzling. Well might the angels have sung, “Glory to God in the highest; on earth peace, goodwill towards men.” Sweet babe! You have pierced the thick darkness of earth’s sorrow, You have enlightened her scenes of sadness, infusing joy into her gloom. SPURGEON

Do you see what I see? I see a righteous man who just doesn't hope anymore. Why? He knew the stories of Samson and Isaac. He knew the scriptures well. He knew the time of Messiah was near. But no word from God had come to Israel in 400 years. His wife had not born children. Why now? Why him? Why her? Because most certainly, There Will Be Christmas!
Text: Luke 1:1-25
Songs-  The Hope of Christmas, Matthew West
Here I Am To Worship, Tim Hughes
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, Chris Tomlin