Pastor Tim Jupp


February 01, 2021
Pastor Tim Jupp
Show Notes

God's sovereign hand reached down in mercy, not only to Rahab and the two young men, but to Joshua and yet another generation of Israel that did not deserve the kingdom. The patriarchs were not holy men when they were called. God's sovereign grace turned sinners into saints. Neither Rahab nor the young men were holy in the house of ill repute but grace came with a knock at the door, bearing salvation for many.

"Wonders of grace are God’s delight, he loves, for Jesus'  sake, to call unto himself the lowest of the low, and the vilest of the vile. The Lord acts in the same manner still. Let us rest assured that Jesus still receives sinners, and that publicans and harlots enter into the kingdom of heaven before the self-righteous and captious. It is very remarkable that in the pedigree of Christ there should be so many women with blotted characters; that there should be an incestuous Tamar, a harlot Rahab, an idolatrous Ruth, and an adulterous Bathsheba, so that Jesus Christ, the Saviour of sinners, has descended as to his earthly parentage from the loins of sinners, and so is nearly akin to them. O the depths of the grace of God! How matchless is the condescension of the Redeemer! SPURGEON

Text: Joshua 2
Songs: Such An Awesome God, Worship Initiative
Great Is Thy Faithfulness, Austin Stone Worship
Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus, City Prayz Band