Pastor Tim Jupp


Our Lord had come to lead the campaign but His presence demands holiness. Sin had entered the camp. The movement of the Commander of the Lord of Hosts had been halted. Thirty six men died. They may have been fathers, uncles, brothers or husbands and they definitely were sons and grandsons. They were someone's best friend and they were tragically gone because of a reckless disregard for the movement of the Holy Spirit of God. If we are to see the 'kingdom come', we must seek His presence and we won't find His presence until we find holiness.

Alas! we are sadly prone to sin, and evil has great influence over us. When I say this, I refer not only to those who are “dead in trespasses and sins,” in whom sin is the great reigning power, for they are the servants of sin; but I refer also to the people of God. Even we that have been born again, and are, in a measure, sanctified by the Spirit of God; even we, I say, have a fleshly nature, whose tendencies are evil, whose desires draw towards sin. How soon we slip! How much we need to be held up! How ought we daily to cry for grace, lest we also should be “hardened through the deceitfulness of sin”! Spurgeon

SONGS; The Church's One Foundation, Wesley
Lord, I Need You, Chris Tomlin
Yet Not I But Christ, City Alight