Pastor Tim Jupp


We like Israel are in an epoch battle against evil. We must never understand the power of the enemy. We will suffer through strayings, slippings and setbacks, but victory is ours when we turn back and humbly embrace our Master's covenant love. Indeed, one of the most difficult things we will ever face is the reclaiming of lost ground. At this point in our walk we will have failed, then we will need to know our God has not failed and will not fail us. He will call us to get us to get up and offer us fresh courage for new ground.

"When sin is heartily put away, and men are disposed to hear and obey God, there is no reason to be discouraged, or to fear to undertake any service to which he calls them". 

New Wine, Hillsong,
Goodness of God, Bethel Worship
This We Know, Vertical Church Worship