Pastor Tim Jupp


Tim Jupp

"It is not for us to tell the heirs of salvation to awake because they are in danger of the wrath to come, for they are in no such danger; that is past and gone. Rather let us remind them that their salvation is nearer than when they believed, and so stir them up to watchfulness and activity by appropriate motives.

Into what a deep slumber some professing Christians have fallen! How utterly insensible they are to the sins and sorrows of those around them. They believe God has a people, and they are very glad he has, as far as they are capable of being glad of anything that does not concern themselves. But, “the world lieth in the wicked one,” and multitudes are perishing."

TEXT: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
SONGS: Redemption Draweth Nigh, Greater Vision
 I Believe, Jonathan Helser
Blessed Assurance: Jeremy Riddle
Yet Not I But Christ: City Alight